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本研究旨為藉由瞭解社區民眾自費進行健康檢查後之健康概念、自覺健康狀況與健康生活型態之間相關因素探討,本研究以方便抽樣方式,選取某健康管理中心年齡20歲以上有健檢經驗之消費民眾,以結構式問卷與量表為研究工具,收集有效問卷332份(95%)。採調查研究,結果發現:一、研究對象的健康概念,得分以適應性平均得分最高,依序為:角色功能、安寧幸福及臨床性。 二、健康生活型態平均得分最高至最低依序為:營養、自我實現、人際支持、壓力處置、健康責任及運動。三、研究對象的規律性健檢在健康促進生活型態達顯著差異;有規律性安排健檢、自覺健康狀況及健康概念愈好,其健康生活型態則愈佳。四、規律性健檢、自覺健康狀況及健康概念等變項可顯著預測健康生活型態,其解釋總變異量的36.3%。
The purpose of this study was to investigate Health concept, perceived health and healthy lifestyle:A cross-sectional study of individuals taking self-paid health examination. The purposive sampling was collected 332 (95%) questionnaires from the persons 20 years of ages or older. Use the investigation for the study, and the results indicated that: 1. The score of the health concept, the highest score is adaptive health concept, followed by function/Role performance health concept, eudemonistic health concept and the lowest score was clinical health concept. 2. The score of the healthy lifestyles that the highest score is nutrition, followed by self-actualization, interpersonal support, stress management, health responsibility and the lowest score was exercise. 3. The regular health examination and healthy lifestyles of the research audiences have obvious differences. The audiences having regular health examination, good perceived health and health concept have the batter healthy lifestyles. 4. The healthy lifestyles could be predicted by the variables of the regular health examination, perceived health and health concept of health explained 36.3% of variance of healthy lifestyles.
The purpose of this study was to investigate Health concept, perceived health and healthy lifestyle:A cross-sectional study of individuals taking self-paid health examination. The purposive sampling was collected 332 (95%) questionnaires from the persons 20 years of ages or older. Use the investigation for the study, and the results indicated that: 1. The score of the health concept, the highest score is adaptive health concept, followed by function/Role performance health concept, eudemonistic health concept and the lowest score was clinical health concept. 2. The score of the healthy lifestyles that the highest score is nutrition, followed by self-actualization, interpersonal support, stress management, health responsibility and the lowest score was exercise. 3. The regular health examination and healthy lifestyles of the research audiences have obvious differences. The audiences having regular health examination, good perceived health and health concept have the batter healthy lifestyles. 4. The healthy lifestyles could be predicted by the variables of the regular health examination, perceived health and health concept of health explained 36.3% of variance of healthy lifestyles.
自費健康檢查, 自覺健康狀況, 健康概念, 健康生活型態, Health concept, Healthy lifestyle, Perceived health, Self-paid health examination