

摘 要 基於安全第一及學生需求的維持與發展是促進學校本位經營發展之重要因素,本研究旨在探討台北市高級工業職業學校汽車科實習工場安全衛生滿意度情形,採文獻分析、專家會議、訪談、專家審查、調查等研究方法加以瞭解及蒐集台北市高級工業職業學校汽車科學生對實習工場安全衛生滿意度之回饋訊息。 使用自編調查問卷,以台北市高級工業職業學校汽車科一年級選一班、二年級選一班,做為研究樣本,樣本數為527人,回收問卷有效樣本數為513人,回收率為97.34%。並採次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差及排序等統計分析方法加以分析考驗,主要研究發現及結論為: 一、汽車科學生對軟體設施構面安全衛生是趨於滿意的。 二、汽車科學生對硬體設施構面安全衛生是趨於滿意的。 三、汽車科學生對準備度構面安全衛生是趨於滿意的。 四、近九成台北市高級工業職業學校汽車科學生對實習工場安全衛生整體持正向的滿意度,其中有四成的學生是持「尚可」接受的態度。 依據上述研究結論,本研究對政府相關單位、學校、學生、後續研究提供相關之建議。 關鍵字:實習工場、安全衛生、滿意度
Abstract Safety and student’s requirement are our key factors to maintenance and develop our school strategy. This research is to study the response from workshop of automobile course in Taipei Senior level vocational school student on safety and hygienic satisfactory condition. This paper is using various analysis including literature review, conference, interview, individual talk, on site survey conducted by specialists, and investigation, interview with the specialists, based on the research analysis and collect material from of automobile course in Taipei Senor level vocational school student on safety and hygienic to obtain degree of satisfactory on this research. Using self edited questionnaire, distribute to automobile student of Taipei Senior level vocational school students, select one class of 1st year student, one class of 2nd year student as specimen, issued out 527 copies and collect back valid specimen 513, total 97.34% of return rate.Based on proportion distribution, percentage ratio, average index, standard variance and sequence of statistic analysis, main research and findings are concluded as below: 1. The automobile course students are satisfied to the software construction interface on safety and hygiene. 2. the automobile course students are satisfied toward the hardware interface on safety and hygiene. 3. the automobile course student are satisfied to the preparation work done on interface construction 4. Nearly 90% of Taipei Senior level vocational school student are positively satisfied over the workshop safety and hygiene. This includes 40% students are holding “ can be accepted satisfactory “ altitude. Based on above studies and conclusion, this research can be served as references for related authorities, schools and students for their further research. Keywords:Practice workshop,Satisfactions,Safety hygiene II



實習工廠, 安全衛生, 滿意度, Practice workshop, Safety hygiene, Satisfactions





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