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本研究主要目的在於瞭解醫院員工在性別角色態度、配偶支持以及共親職的現況,以探討不同背景變項的醫院員工,其性別角色態度、配偶支持與共親職的差異情形;同時探究性別角色態度、配偶支持與共親職三者之間的關係。本研究以已婚且育有未成年子女的宜蘭地區區域教學醫院員工為研究對象,共320人。研究方法採用問卷調查法,以立意取樣方式來選取樣本。研究工具包括「性別角色態度量表」、「配偶支持量表」、「共親職量表」。資料分析與整裡,使用描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、Pearson積差相關,與逐步迴歸分析等方法,主要結果發現如下: 1.醫院員工普遍具有性別「平權發展」的態度,且「配偶支持」的情形良好。 2.不同性別和教育程度對於醫院員工的性別角色態度有顯著差異;其中女性比男性更具有「平權發展」的態度,而教育程度為「研究所以上」的醫院員工,性別角色態度較不傳統。 3.在共親職的表現方面,女性醫院員工在「親職分工」的得分顯著高於男性;醫事人員在共親職的表現中,「教養協議」得分顯著高於護理人員與行政人員,而「支持行為」得分亦顯著高於護理人員。 4.配偶支持中的「情緒性支持」與「工具性支持」對共親職分量表中的「教養協議」、「支持行為」皆是最佳的預測變項。 5.「平權發展」與「配偶支持量表」能有效預測共親職。 最後,根據研究結果進行討論,並提供具體建議,以期能供實務工作者及未來研究的參考。
Exploring the differences among hospital employees of various demographic backgrounds by looking into their gender role attitude, spouse support and co-parenting, the primary goal of this research is trying to understand the unfoldingand interplay of these three variables. The subjects, all 320 of them, in this study are those who are employed in Metropolitan hospitals in Yilan County and married with minor children. Questionnaire study and purposive sampling are applied in the research method. The tools and measurements include “Gender role Attitude Inventory,” “Spouse Support Inventory” and “Co-parenting Scale”. While analyzing the data, descriptive statistics, one-way MANOVA, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and stepwise regression are utilized for each of their specific purposes. The main findings are: 1.Hospital employees generally have fair “gender equal development attitude” as well as “spouse support”. 2.There are significant differences in gender role attitude in terms of subjects’ gender and education level: females are prone to showing “gender equal development attitude” than males, and employees with/ above graduate school education show less orthodox gender attitude. 3.In co-parenting behavior: females score significantly higher than males in “sharing the labor”; medical personnel show better “task negotiation” than nursing and administrative personnel and their “supporting behavior” is also higher than nursing staff. 4.In spouse support, “emotional support” and “instrumental support” are two best predictive variables for “task negotiation”and “supporting behavior” . 5.“Gender equality development” and “spouse support score” are effective predictors for co-parenting. Based on the results, we have discussions and suggestions for practitioners in this area and for its further inquiry into the matter.



性別角色態度, 配偶支持, 共親職, gender role attitude, spouse support, co-parenting





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