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在這個科技快速成長的世代,日常生活的多工儼然已經成為我們生活的新的行為模式。為了能夠在這樣一個資訊爆炸、干擾頻繁與訊息快速流通的世代下更有效率的生存,我們常常需要以多工的方式來解決更多的問題,藉此更有效的處理這些即時的訊息。故本研究旨在探究個體的日常生活多工的習慣與其日常生活多工素養之關係。我們認為在日常生活多工情境下,個體對於平時從事日常生活多工行為的自我效能、偏好與頻率可能與其在日常生活多工素養有關聯性。 本研究之研究參與對象為台北市大專院校之學生41名。使用的測量工具有「日常生活多工自我效能量表」、「日常生活多工偏好量表」、「日常生活多工頻率量表」和「日常生活多工素養評量平台」;其中,「日常生活多工素養評量平台」之評量內容包含個體的計畫能力、前瞻性記憶、回溯性記憶與日常生活多工實作表現。 主要研究結果如下: 一、 在日常生活多工素養中,其計畫能力、前瞻性記憶、回溯性記憶與其日常生活多工實作表現有顯著正相關。 二、 在日常生活多工素養中,其計畫能力、前瞻性記憶與回溯性記憶彼此間有顯著正相關。 三、 日常生活多工自我效能、偏好、頻率與計畫能力、前瞻性記憶、回溯性記憶與日常生活多工素養並無顯著相關。 四、 低日常生活多工自我效能組別之自我效能與前瞻性記憶、回溯性記憶和日常生活多工實作表現有顯著負相關。 五、 低日常生活多工偏好組別之偏好與計畫能力有顯著負相關。
Everyday multitasking occurs anytime and anywhere in this modern age of advanced technology. In order to manage the speedy exchange of information more efficiently, multitasking behavior has without doubt become a way of living. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between participants’ multitasking personal habit including everyday multitasking self-efficiency, preference and behavior pattern and their multitasking literacies including the abilities of plan, prospective, retrospective and performance. Participants for this study included 41 undergraduate students in Taipei. The variables of multitasking self-efficiency, preference and behavior pattern were measured by “Everyday Multitasking Self-Efficacy Scale, EMSES”, “Everyday Multitasking Preference Scale, EMPS” and “Everyday Multitasking Behavior Pattern Scale, EMBPS”. The variables of multitasking literacies were measured by “Everyday Multitasking Literacy Assessment Platform”. This study found that: (1) in everyday multitasking literacies, the abilities of plan, prospective memory and retrospective memory have significant positive correlation with everyday multitasking performance. (2) In everyday multitasking literacies, the ability of plan, prospective memory and retrospective memory have significant positive correlation. (3) Everyday multitasking self-efficacy, preference and behavior pattern have no significant correlation with everyday multitasking literacies. (4) Low everyday multitasking self-efficacy has significant negative correlation with prospective memory, retrospective memory and everyday multitasking performance. (5) Low everyday multitasking preference has significant negative correlation with plan.



日常生活多工, 自我效能, 偏好, 媒體多工, 計畫能力, 前瞻性記憶, 回溯性記憶, everyday multitasking, media multitasking, preference, plan, prospective memory, retrospective memory, self-efficacy





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