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在創業當中,人才一直都是重要資源,也是新創企業常面臨到的問題。特別是在新創企業早期發展時,人才招募會是新創企業遇到的前三大問題之一。本研究希望透過回顧性的質性訪談,讓創業者回顧早期創業時期,以探討新創企業是如何克服早期人才招募之問題進而帶動公司發展。本研究一共訪談了九個企業負責人,以了解十間不同新創企業在發展的過程中透過哪些方法招募人才,並且試圖回答以下問題:1. 本研究想要了解新創企業早期是如何招募人才?2. 本研究想要了解新創企業在招募人才上是否遭遇到困境,及如何克服?3. 本研究想要了解新創企業在招募上會受到哪些內外在因素影響?本研究應證了社會資本在新創企業早期進行人才招募的重要性。透透過人際網絡,創業者得以節省成本尋得合適人才。社群媒體往往也是創業者人際網絡的展現,許多創業者透過社群媒體進行招募,並且得到不錯成效。最後,在實務意涵上,本研究對預期投入創業者早期如何進行人才招募提出建議,透過強連接找尋專業,透過弱連結找尋多元,最後可以透過創業者的人際網絡來找尋人才,進一步讓公司成長。
In entrepreneurship, talent is always an important factor. And recruiting talents is also a problem that new ventures often must face. Especially in the early development of new ventures, talent recruitment is one of the most difficult problems for new ventures. This study hopes to use retrospective qualitative interviews to let founders of new ventures look back on the early development of their entrepreneurships. By this way, we could t explore how new ventures overcome the problems of early talent recruitment. This study has interviewed nine founders of new ventures. Bu these interviews in this study, we could find out which methods ten different new ventures use to recruit talents in the process of development. This study tries to answer these questions: 1. This research wants to understand how new ventures recruit talents in the early development ? 2. This study wants to know whether new ventures encounter problems in recruiting talents ? And how these new ventures overcome these problems? 3. This study hopes to understand what internal and external factors affect new ventures recruiting talents?This study confirms the importance of social capital in recruiting talents of new ventures. Through the network of people, new ventures can save costs and find the right talent. Social media is often a manifestation of the entrepreneurial network. Many new ventures recruit through social media and get good talents. Finally, in terms of practical implications, this study makes suggestions on how to recruit talents in the early development of new ventures. They could look for specialties through strong ties, look for diversity through weak ties. And new venture could look for talents and develop company through the entrepreneur’s social network.
In entrepreneurship, talent is always an important factor. And recruiting talents is also a problem that new ventures often must face. Especially in the early development of new ventures, talent recruitment is one of the most difficult problems for new ventures. This study hopes to use retrospective qualitative interviews to let founders of new ventures look back on the early development of their entrepreneurships. By this way, we could t explore how new ventures overcome the problems of early talent recruitment. This study has interviewed nine founders of new ventures. Bu these interviews in this study, we could find out which methods ten different new ventures use to recruit talents in the process of development. This study tries to answer these questions: 1. This research wants to understand how new ventures recruit talents in the early development ? 2. This study wants to know whether new ventures encounter problems in recruiting talents ? And how these new ventures overcome these problems? 3. This study hopes to understand what internal and external factors affect new ventures recruiting talents?This study confirms the importance of social capital in recruiting talents of new ventures. Through the network of people, new ventures can save costs and find the right talent. Social media is often a manifestation of the entrepreneurial network. Many new ventures recruit through social media and get good talents. Finally, in terms of practical implications, this study makes suggestions on how to recruit talents in the early development of new ventures. They could look for specialties through strong ties, look for diversity through weak ties. And new venture could look for talents and develop company through the entrepreneur’s social network.
新創企業, 招募, 社會資本, 招募來源, new ventures, recruitment, social capital, recruitment sources