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史帝法諾‧多瑙第(Stefano Donaudy, 1879-1925)及雷納多‧阿恩(Reynaldo Hahn, 1874-1947),兩位皆是十九世紀末期至二十世紀初期歐洲「美好年代(La Belle Époque)」時期的作曲家。多瑙第以古典的曲式寫曲,帶有浪漫的寫實主義風格,作品中常有速度、力度的變化及許多表情記號;阿恩則善於以優雅浪漫的旋律乘載歌詞,讓文字自己展現韻味。本詮釋報告內容為多瑙第的十首歌曲,選取自他的《36首古典風格歌曲》,以及阿恩的《威尼斯組曲》六首。
第一首〈充滿愛的日子〉(Amorosi miei giorni)
第二首〈不要停止〉(Ah, mai non cessate)
第三首〈如同雲雀〉(Come l'allodoletta)
第四首〈我的心哪,難道你不知道〉(Cuor mio, cuor mio non vedi)
第五首〈喔!我的摯愛〉(O del mio amato ben)
第六首〈我失去了希望〉(Perduta ho la speranza)
第七首〈何時能再見到妳?〉(Quando ti rivedrò)
第八首〈吹吧!微風〉(Spirate pur, spirate)
第九首〈我心所感〉(Sento nel core)
第十首〈優雅的肖像〉(Vaghissima sembianza)
阿恩《威尼斯組曲》(Venezia) 六首
第一首〈在靜謐水上〉(Sopra l'acqua indormenzada)
第二首〈小船〉(La barcheta)
第四首〈小船上的少女〉(La biondina in gondoleta)
第五首〈真丟臉!〉(Che pecà!)
第六首〈春天〉(La primavera)
Both Stefano Donaudy (1879-1925) and Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) are composers belonging to the period called La Belle Époque. Donaudy composed songs in classical song forms. His songs can be described as romantic verismo in style. There are frequent changes in tempo and dynamics. Terms denoting affections also abound. Hahn’s works demonstrate how elegant, romantic melodies can carry words and allow them to exude poetic charm. This report contains ten Donaudy songs chosen from his 36 Arie di stile antico and Hahn’s Venezia, six pieces in total. Ten Donaudy songs: 1. Amorosi miei giorni 2. Ah, mai non cessate 3. Come l'allodoletta 4. Cuor mio, cuor mio non vedi 5. O del mio amato ben 6. Perduta ho la speranza 7. Quando ti rivedrò 8. Spirate pur, spirate 9. Sento nel core 10. Vaghissima sembianza Hahn’s Venezia 1. Sopra l'acqua indormenzada 2. La barcheta 3. L’avertimento 4. La biondina in gondoleta 5. Che pecà! 6. La primavera
Both Stefano Donaudy (1879-1925) and Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947) are composers belonging to the period called La Belle Époque. Donaudy composed songs in classical song forms. His songs can be described as romantic verismo in style. There are frequent changes in tempo and dynamics. Terms denoting affections also abound. Hahn’s works demonstrate how elegant, romantic melodies can carry words and allow them to exude poetic charm. This report contains ten Donaudy songs chosen from his 36 Arie di stile antico and Hahn’s Venezia, six pieces in total. Ten Donaudy songs: 1. Amorosi miei giorni 2. Ah, mai non cessate 3. Come l'allodoletta 4. Cuor mio, cuor mio non vedi 5. O del mio amato ben 6. Perduta ho la speranza 7. Quando ti rivedrò 8. Spirate pur, spirate 9. Sento nel core 10. Vaghissima sembianza Hahn’s Venezia 1. Sopra l'acqua indormenzada 2. La barcheta 3. L’avertimento 4. La biondina in gondoleta 5. Che pecà! 6. La primavera
美好年代, 寫實主義, 浪漫派, 古典風格, La Belle Époque, Verismo, Romanticism, Stile antico