
dc.contributorTseng, Yung-Chingen_US
dc.contributor.authorYeh, Ching-Huien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討實施理財教育對於國中學生理財素養之影響。 本研究透過準實驗教學設計,將研究對象設定為北縣某國中八年級學生實施共十二節課之理財教育教學。其中實驗組接受共十二節課之理財教育教學,而控制組部份則無接受此項課程。在教學前後以研究者自編之「國中生理財素養問卷」及「國中學生理財知識評量單」做為研究工具對學生施測。將結果透過敘述統計、卡方檢定、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、共變異分析以及成對樣本t檢定等統計方法加以分析。 根據研究結果發現,歸納本研究結論如下: 一、實施理財教育前之學生基本背景與理財素養無顯著差異 研究結果發現,在理財教育實施前,不論是「實驗組」或「控制組」之學生之性別、有無固定零用錢、有無存錢習慣、有無關心理財資訊之習慣、家庭社經地位及家庭理財教養態度之基本背景進行考驗,均未呈現顯著差異。 二、實施理財教育後對二組間學生的理財素養之影響具顯著差異 研究結果發現,在理財教育實施後,實驗組學生在「理財認知」、「理財態度」、「理財技能」、「理財素養」及「理財知識評量」的得分均明顯高於控制組的學生,且二組間存在顯著差異。 三、實施理財教育後,多數實驗組學生對理財教育抱持肯定態度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to examine the effect on junior high school students’ financial literacy after implementing financial education. This study was used a quasi-experimental design and twelve periods of experimental teaching of financial education were implemented to 8th-grade junior high school students in a junior high school in Taipei County. The experimental group received the experimental curriculums of financial education for twelve periods, and the control group didn’t. "The Junior High School Students’ Financial Literacy Questionnaire" and "The Junior High School Students’ Financial Knowledge Examination" were adopted as instruments of evaluation and given to the participants before and after the experimental teaching classes. The data were analyzed by using Descriptive Statistics, Chi-square Test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way ANCOVA and Paired-samples t-test. The results of this experiment are generalized as follows: 1. There were no significant differences between the relationships to the background statuses of the junior high school students and their financial literacy before implementing financial education. According to the study data before implementing financial education, whether in the experimental group or in the control group, there were no significant differences between the relationships to the financial literacy of the junior high school students and their background statuses, including in genders, having the pocket money or not, having the saving habit or not, having the habit of concerning with financial information or not, the parental socio-economic status, and the family’s attitude to financial education. 2. There were the significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on examining the effect on junior high school students’ financial literacy after implementing financial education. According to the study data after implementing financial education, there were the significant differences between the experimental group and the control group, and the scores of the experimental group on “the financial concept”, “the financial skill”, “the financial attitude”, “the financial literacy”, and “the financial knowing” are apparently higher than the scores of the control group. 3. After implementing financial education, most of the students in the experimental group hold the positive attitude toward the financial education.en_US
dc.subjectfinancial educationen_US
dc.subjectfinancial literacyen_US
dc.subjectfinancial education in junior high schoolen_US
dc.titleThe study of implementing financial education to junior high school students and the effect on students’ financial literacyen_US

