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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究目的在探討後形式思考信念發展的性別差異,受試為644位分佈於青年期後 期至成人期(年齡全距為十六至八十歲)的受試,以問卷法進行研究。後形式思考的測量採 用社會典範信念的方式,資料分析以洛基對數線性模式考驗性別差異。結果發現:後形式思 考者相對於形式性思考者比例隨著年齡增加而提高;在青年期後期與成人早期,後形式思考 者相對於形式性思考者的比例沒有性別差異;至於中、老年期,女性之後形式思考者相對於 形式性思考者的比例則顯著高於男性。筆者根據研究結果討論可能原因,並且提出未來探討 後形式思考性別差異的建議,包括後形式思考的測量、研究設計與研究議題等三方面。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sex differences in the development of postformal thinking beliefs. Subjects were 644 ranging from late adolescence to adulthood (age from 16 to 80 years). Questionnaire was used as the research method and social paradigm belief was used to measure the postformal thinking. The logit loglinear model was used for data analysis. The results were: The percentage of postformal thinkers was significant lower than formalistic thinkers' in late adolescence group (18-23years). In early adulthood group(24-40 years), the percentage of postformal thinkers relative to formalistic thinkers' was not significant. The percentage of postformal thinkers was significant higher than formalistic thinkers' in middle and late adulthood group (41-80 years). In late adolescence and early adulthood groups, sex difference in the percentage of postformal thinkers relative to formalistic thinkers' was not significant, but the percentage of postformal thinkers relative to formalistic thinkers' in middle and late adulthood female was significant higher than male's. The possible reasons of the above findings are discussed in the paper. According to these findings, there were suggestions of future research on sex differences in the development of postformal thinking, including the measurement of postformal thinking、research design and inquiring issues.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the sex differences in the development of postformal thinking beliefs. Subjects were 644 ranging from late adolescence to adulthood (age from 16 to 80 years). Questionnaire was used as the research method and social paradigm belief was used to measure the postformal thinking. The logit loglinear model was used for data analysis. The results were: The percentage of postformal thinkers was significant lower than formalistic thinkers' in late adolescence group (18-23years). In early adulthood group(24-40 years), the percentage of postformal thinkers relative to formalistic thinkers' was not significant. The percentage of postformal thinkers was significant higher than formalistic thinkers' in middle and late adulthood group (41-80 years). In late adolescence and early adulthood groups, sex difference in the percentage of postformal thinkers relative to formalistic thinkers' was not significant, but the percentage of postformal thinkers relative to formalistic thinkers' in middle and late adulthood female was significant higher than male's. The possible reasons of the above findings are discussed in the paper. According to these findings, there were suggestions of future research on sex differences in the development of postformal thinking, including the measurement of postformal thinking、research design and inquiring issues.