
dc.description.abstract本研究透過文獻探討與問卷調查,探討目前我國高等教育行銷的實施現況,及分析其實施的成效、實施困境與困境的因應之道,並根據研究發現與結論,提出建議,供相關機構及人員參考。此外,本論文主要研究對象是我國高等教育的教務長、招生組長、行政人員和教師,共抽得75所學校,發出750份問卷,實得有效樣本365份,問卷處理採用SPSS for Window統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 綜合文獻探討與問卷調查所得資料,得到以下結論 一、研究結論 1.大學校院實施教育行銷的程度不高,屬於中等。 2.大學校院所採用的教育行銷策略,以定位策略最常被使用,目標市場策略次之,組合策略最低。 3.大學校院進行教育行銷,並未確實落實教育行銷的規劃程序,各步驟的實施程度均為「有時如此」。 4.大學校院大都有採取定位策略,且分別依自己的特色為考量,而其中又以將自己定位為綜合型大學的學校最多。 5. 大學校院選擇學生的區隔標準中,以學生的志向興趣所佔比例最高,學生的居住地區最低。 6.大學校院使用的推廣方式非常多元,但大部分的實施程度都不高,大多不超過五成,其中以將本校訊息上網公告所最常使用,利用電視廣告打響知名度最少。 7.大學校院運用組合策略時,所使用的方式頗為多樣化,但是程度大多僅屬於「中」等,還有加強空間。而其中以設備策略最常被使用,價格策略最低。 8.大學校院實施教育行銷多已發揮中等程度效果,但仍有加強必要。 9.大學校院教育行銷的實施困境頗大,多屬於「經常如此」,其中以同仁未感受到行銷的重要性最高,缺乏校長的領導與支持最低。 10.大學校院教育行銷困境的因應之道實施程度不高,多屬於「有時 如此」,其中以校長對行銷的領導與熱心的支持最高,委託專業行銷公司辦理行銷工作最低。 11.大學校院成員對於教育行銷概念與方法的瞭解程度不高,屬於「中」等。 12.不同職務的人員對於教育行銷的實施看法大致無顯著差異。 13.不同背景的校院在教育行銷的實施上大致有顯著差異,其中以私立校院、科技大學校院、校齡為10年以下,及新生報到率為81%以上的校院較有在實施行銷、所達到的成效較佳、困境較少、且較有對困境採取因應之道。 二、建議 (一)對大學校院的建議 1. 加強目標市場策略和組合策略的運用 2. 有效落實行銷規劃的步驟 3. 多元運用行銷的推廣方式 4. 增加學校成員對教育行銷的瞭解與接受度 5. 籌措充足的行銷預算與網羅行銷的專業人才 6. 公立、師範校院和校齡21年以上的大學校院應加強行銷的工作 7. 設法改善行政人員和教師對學校教育行銷實施知覺的落差 (二)對教育行政機關的建議 1. 加強宣導教育行銷的正確觀念與重要性 2. 提供大學發展教育行銷的環境 3. 協助大學落實教育行銷的規劃 (三)對後續研究的建議 1. 可擴及到接受教育行銷的對象 2. 可加強對行銷應然面的探討,建立其理論架構與體系 3. 可以本研究為基礎,對探討的議題作更深入的研究 4. 可採取質量並重的研究方法,以更加瞭解教育行銷實際運作狀況zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study adopts literature review and questionnaire investigation methods to explore the present practice, effectiveness, obstacles, solutions of educational marketing in our higher education, and offer some suggestions to the people who will apply it. Besides, the subjects of this study, with sample size of 750 subjects and the effective number of 365 samplers are selected from the deens , administrative staff, and the teachers in the universities. Data of this study is analyzed by means of SPSS. Conclusions: 1. The degree of practicing educational marketing in higher education is not very high, it belongs to the middle one. 2. Among the marketing strategies, the mostly used one is the positioning strategy, the second one is the target strategy, the least one is the mix strategy. 3. The steps of educational marketing processes don’t accomplish fully. 4. Most universities have adopted the positioning strategy, and most of them are positioned themselves as composite universities. 5. Among the standards which divide the educational market into smaller ones , the mostly used one is students’ ambition and interest, the least one is the place of students’ lives. 6. The promotion ways which universities adopt are various., but the degrees of practice are not very high, most of them are less than 50%. Besides, the mostly used one is making the school information public on the Internet, and the least one is using TV and ads to make school become more popular. 7. The ways of the marketing mix strategies which universities adopt are various, but their degrees of practice are just middle. There is still space to improve. Besides, among this, the mostly used one is the facility strategy, the least one is the price strategy. 8. There are some effectiveness pf practicing marketing strategies in our higher education, but the degree is not very high, and still need to improve. 9. There are many obstacles to practice educational marketing in our higher education, and the degrees are very high. Among there, the most serious one is that university staff don’t feel the importance of educational marketing, the least one is that lack of principals’ leadership and support. 10. The degrees of solving the obstacles are not used very often. Among these, the mostly used one is principals’ leadership and support for marketing, the least one is asking for professional companies to help. 11. For university staff, the degrees of understanding educational marketing concepts and its ways are not very high, it belongs to the middle degree. 12. For different positions of people, there is no remarkable difference about the opinions of practicing educational marketing. 13. There are remarkable differences about the practice of educational marketing in different backgrounds of university. Generally speaking, the private universities, the technology universities, the universities whose age is less than 5 years old, and which have more than 80% rate of register use the educational marketing more often and better. Suggestions: 1. For universities (1) To enhance the use of the target market strategy and mix strategies. (2) To accomplish the steps of marketing processes effectively. (3) To use the promotion ways variously. (4) To increase the university staff to understand the educational marketing better, and be willing to receive it more. (5) To raise enough marketing budget and gather professional marketing people. (6) To try to improve the gap of administrative staff and teachers’ concepts for practicing educational marketing in the universities. 2. For administrative office (1) To enhance and publicize the correct concepts and the importance of educational marketing. (2) To offer the environment for the universities to develop educational marketing. (3) To help the universities to accomplish steps of educational marketing processes. 3. For further study (1) To broaden the study samples to the ones who receive educational marketing. (2) To strengthen the theory and systems of educational marketing. (3) To use the study as a foundation to do further studies. (4) To adopt qualitative and quantitative research ways to understand the practice of educational marketing deeply.en_US
dc.subjecthigher educationen_US
dc.subjecteducational marketingen_US
dc.subjectmarketing strategyen_US


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