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Department of English, NTNU
Department of English, NTNU
本研究為教師為解決教學現場問題而進行之行動研究。研究者在實施課堂教學時,因原先課堂作業設計──反思札記──並未順利達成設定之教學目的,因此決定調整作業內容與方式,將原本的封閉型學習札記,改為同儕間可互相回應的開放式札記,並將原本課外學習活動由單純的札記記錄方式改為有具體目標、執行進度與評估方式的個人學習計畫。參與本研究的學生為修習英語聽力與口語訓練課程的高階英語學習者共14 人,研究結果顯示,修正後的開放式學習札記,成為學生從教室內延伸到教室外的學習反思與互動交流平臺,有助於培養學生之間的互賴關係,也有助於建立學生與教師之間的互賴關係,進而強化了學生自主學習的能力。但隨著學生對課程的控制權增加,教師也必須調整教學方法,以免造成過大的備課壓力。
This study is a teacher action research aiming to solve problems the researcher has encountered when teaching an English enhancement course for advanced English learners. The implementation of the original private learning journal did not seem to fulfill its goal as a tool to promote learner autonomy. Therefore, when the teacher implemented the course for the second time, a public learning journal was used to provide students with more opportunities to interact with each other. A personal portfolio project, in which the students set a realistic goal, design and execute a learning plan to achieve the goal, was also introduced to complement the use of learning journal. A total of 14 students participated in the study, which lasted for one semester. The results show that the public learning journal is conductive to cultivating interdependence among learners as well as the interdependence between the teacher and the students, helping students become more autonomous learners. However, the results also show that, as students gain more control over the curriculum, the teacher needs to be flexible and resourceful in order to accommodate students’ needs without getting overwhelmed.
This study is a teacher action research aiming to solve problems the researcher has encountered when teaching an English enhancement course for advanced English learners. The implementation of the original private learning journal did not seem to fulfill its goal as a tool to promote learner autonomy. Therefore, when the teacher implemented the course for the second time, a public learning journal was used to provide students with more opportunities to interact with each other. A personal portfolio project, in which the students set a realistic goal, design and execute a learning plan to achieve the goal, was also introduced to complement the use of learning journal. A total of 14 students participated in the study, which lasted for one semester. The results show that the public learning journal is conductive to cultivating interdependence among learners as well as the interdependence between the teacher and the students, helping students become more autonomous learners. However, the results also show that, as students gain more control over the curriculum, the teacher needs to be flexible and resourceful in order to accommodate students’ needs without getting overwhelmed.