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本研究目的旨在探討高級中等學校動力機械群課程實施現況,針對學校的108課綱現有的選修課程-汽車專業英文課程,探討高級中等學校動力機械群學生學習的學習動機、學習滿意度及學習成效的關係。以文獻分析法及研究調查法作為此次研究方法,採隨機發放方式,調查高級中等學校動力機械群汽車科學生,共279人,有效樣本為240人。研究對象為目前就讀於動力機械群汽車科的學生,採問卷調查的方式調查,問卷分析則採用SPSS 23.0進行描述性統計及推論統計分析,其中含有:次數分配、百分比、T檢定、變異數分析、多變項迴歸分析…等,分析歸納後提出結論與建議。依據研究結果,並分析資料後,得到的研究結論如下:一、動力機械群汽車科學生修習汽車專業英文課程之學習動機、學習滿意度及學習成效自評程度為中等偏高。二、動力機械群汽車科學生修習汽車專業英文課程會因不同的「每週平均複習汽車專業英文的時間」、「畢業後規劃」、「汽車專業英文課程的學習表現成績」導致學習動機的差異。三、動力機械群汽車科學生修習汽車專業英文課程會因不同的「年級」、「汽車專業英文課程的學習表現成績」導致學習滿意度的差異。四、動力機械群汽車科學生修習汽車專業英文課程會因不同的「每週平均複習汽車專業英文的時間」、「畢業後規劃」、「汽車專業英文課程的學習表現成績」導致學習成效的差異。五、動力機械群汽車科學生修習汽車專業英文課程會因學習動機對學習滿意度、學習滿意度對學習成效有顯著影響。六、動力機械群汽車科學生修習汽車專業英文課程會因學習滿意度影響學習動機和學習成效,根據統計分析結果並提出建議,供學校、教師、學生與未來研究者之參考。
The purpose of the research was to explore the current courses of the Power Mechanical Engineering Group implemented in senior high school, especially focusing on the elective course - the Automotive Professional English, under the 108 Course Architecture. In order to analyze the relation among “Learning Motivation”, “Learning Satisfaction” and “Learning Effectiveness” for the students in this field, the Document Analysis and Research Analysis are used as major survey methods with the form of Random Questionnaire to investigate the research objects. The total number of the research objects is 279, with the effective one 240. The research objects are students currently studying in the automotive department of the Power Machinery Group. The survey is carried out by means of a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire analysis uses SPSS 23.0 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis, including frequency distribution, percentage, T-test, and variance analysis, multivariate regression analysis, etc., and put forward the conclusions and suggestions after the analysis and induction.According to the analysis data results, the main research conclusions are as follows: 1. The self-evaluation level of learning motivation, satisfaction, and effectiveness for research objects taking this course is a little higher than average one. 2. Research objects have different learning motivations due to different degree of “Average weekly time spent reviewing Automotive Professional English”, “Post-graduation planning”, and “Learning performance in Automotive Professional English courses”. 3. Research objects have different learning satisfaction due to different “Grades” and “Learning performance”. 4. Research objects have different learning effectiveness due to different “Average weekly review time”, “Post-graduation planning”, and “Learning performance”. 5. The learning motivation of research objects have a significant impact on their learning satisfaction and learning effectiveness. 6. The learning satisfaction of research objects have impacts on learning motivation and learning effectiveness. Finally, recommendations are made based on the research results for the reference of schools, teachers, students and future researchers.



動力機械群, 學習動機, 學習成效, 汽車專業英文, 學習滿意度, Power Mechanical Engineering Group, Automotive Professional English, Learning Motivation, Learning Outcome, Learning Satisfaction





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