台灣原住民族文化產業與文化行銷之研究――布農部落屋 的個案分析

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本研究以「布農部落屋」為例,探討台灣原住民經營文化產業與推動文化行銷的一些相關問題。透過歷史的文獻,了解布農族的經濟變遷,以及在台灣經濟發展的不同階段中,原住民居住地被用來發展休閒文化觀光產業的情況,從中突顯部落從事休閒、旅遊、文化產業的優勢;再以台東縣延平鄉布農部落屋此一個案為例,應用參與觀察、深度訪談、問卷調查等方法,蒐集相關資料,依據行銷學的相關理論分析該個案經營上的問題,並且從中探尋目標市場何在?行銷規劃的盲點為何?管理、控制上的缺失何在?遊客滿意度與重遊意願的情形如何?以作為永續經營的參考、改進依據。最後進一步以社區總體營造、文化產業的理論為基礎,從文化、經濟、社會、政治等各種不同層面,檢驗布農部落屋和部落間的互動情形,據以說明雙方緊張關係產生的因素,及未來建立良好互動關係的努力方向。 綜合文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談、問卷調查的結果,本研究主要的發現分文化行銷內涵、遊客滿意度、社區關係三個部分敘述如下: 壹、 文化行銷內涵方面: 一、對布農部落屋的經營使命、短期目標的訂定,主管和員工間呈現異質性的認同。 二、對整體的行銷策略缺乏完整的規畫,如SWOT分析、目標市場的調查、產品組合的應用、產品生命週期考量、差別定價的推動、通路的經營、專業的推廣活動…等,均未著手規畫。 三、內部缺乏專業管理人才,工作常用cover的方式來因應,以致於工作效率不彰;另外重視家族式的個人領導風格,員工升遷無望,欠缺激勵方式;會計與出納合一,有違會計的內控原則;員工普遍在期待趕快制度化。 貳、 遊客滿意度方面: 一、住宿遊客以嘉義縣市以南的人為多,台北縣市的遊客在寒、暑假期間也佔有一定的比例。月平均收入在2萬到7萬的大專程度上班族及軍公教人員是這裡的常客,所以目標市場頗為明確。 二、遊客對此感到最滿意的部分,是所提供的文化體驗,滿意度最低的部分則是產品的價格。 三、遊客的重遊意願非常高,有高達91%的遊客願意重遊。 參、 社區關係方面: 一、文化面:文化有漸趨商品化之勢,所展現的文化有一部分未與部落內的文化密切接軌。 二、經濟面:未與部落產生連鎖的經濟效應,像是一個獨立於部落的經濟體。 三、社會面:社會互動上有待建立新的溝通關係。 四、政治面:政治色彩較為濃厚,因政黨的認同不一,偶有對立的情況。 根據本研究的發現,對於布農部落屋與部落內村民雙方面,有下列三個方面的建議: 壹、 文化行銷內涵方面: 一、以平權觀念凝聚員工的使命、目標認同。 二、以科學的方式從事整體行銷策略的規劃,例如,進一步的確認所面對的內外環境,實施差別定價,找尋目標市場,主動出擊,行銷組合的運用應更多元,並且充分授權。 三、引進專業人才,樹立具文化特色的專業管理方式;會計與出納應分開,發揮互相節制的功能;劇場表演宜再求專業化、精緻化;建立和員工間的夥伴關係;建立一套公平、公正、公開的人事制度。 貳、 遊客滿意度方面 一、鎖定嘉義縣市以南的地區及台北縣市,進行行銷。 二、此處的文化體驗滿意度最高,宜再深化文化產品的內涵,讓遊客再度重遊時,每次都有不同的文化感受,願意一遊再遊。對於遊客調查當中,最不滿意的餐廳,應立即著手改善,讓遊客感受到布農部落屋的進步。 三、遊客的重遊意願極高,所以應多角化的經營通路,增加和潛在客戶接觸的機會,極高的重遊意願,可說是布農部落屋不同於其他旅遊點的優勢,所以應好好的掌握此種優勢。 參、 社區關係方面: 一、文化面:儘速和部落內的文化連結,而且溝通彼此對文化的認知,進一步從傳統文化中,建構現代文化的內涵。 二、經濟面:宜和部落間建立共生的經濟關係,具體的經濟回饋,並且清楚的定位此一事業體的角色。 三、社會面:延續白牧師早期的精神,同理心的彼此對待,秉持取之於社會,用之於部落的情操,建立互相感恩的心與誠摯的關懷情。 四、政治面:拋棄意識型態的思考,互相尊重,讓政治的歸政治,信仰歸信仰,實踐彼此相互尊重與開放心胸的民主精神。
This research , taking Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation as an example , tries to discuss some questions about the management of cultural industry and the implement of the cultural marketing. Based on historical documents, the author tires to understand the economical changes of Bunum tribe and how their habitations are used to develop leisure, cultural and tourism industry during different stages of economical development in Taiwan. Then, the result can show the advantages for tribes to work on leisure, travel and cultural industry. Moreover, the author takes Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation in Yen-Ping Village in Taitung County, Taiwan for example, using the participation observation, intensive interview and questionnaire investigation to find out what the target market is, what the blindspot is, what the fault in management and control is, how the tourists are satisfied and if they want to go back again. What are mentioned above can be utilized for the inferences to have sustainable management. The last step is to examine the interaction between Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation and village trying to explain the reason of intensive relationship between them and to build good interaction in the future on the phases of culture, economy , society and politics. According to the result of document analysis, participation observation, intensive interview and questionnaire investigation, the author divides the outcomes into the following three parts: cultural marketing, tourist satisfactory, and community relationship Cultural marketing 1. The mission of management and short-term goal, and different recognitions between directors and employees 2. The lack of full planning, such as SWOT analysis、 investigation of market goal、 products、price、place、promotion. 3. The lack of professional managers and the lack of efficiency in working. Besides, the style of family business management makes the employees feel that they don't have a chance of promoting. In addition, the combination of accounting and cashier disobeys the principle of Accounting;Employees generally expect a more systematic system. Tourist satisfactory 1. Most touristswho stay here live in southern Taiwan. There are also many tourists from Taipei City and Taipei County during winter and summer vacation. Office workers and government employees whose salaries are among 20,000 to 70,000 visit here from time to time. Therefore, the target market is quite clear. 2. What the tourists are satisfied with the most is the cultural experience offered and what the tourist are satisfied with the least is the price of the products. 3. Tourists are willing to visit here again. More than 91% of the tourists would like to visit here again. Community relationship 1. Culture: Culture is tending to be sold as products; the culture spirit that the products convey is partly unconnected to the culture of the tribe. 2. Economy: It doesn’t have chained economic reactions with the tribe. Instead, it seems to be an independent economy. 3. Society: New communicative relationship is expected to build in social interactions. 4. Politics: Because of the different opinions about politics, sometimes, there might be opposite positions. According to the result of this research, the author has three suggestions to the Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation and the people of village: Culture marketing 1. Based on balance of power, condense the staff's missions into the goal in accordance with the director's. 2. Plan the marketing tactic in a more scientific way. For example, further confirmation of the environment they are going to face, the implement pricing of the difference, finding the target market, active strike, application of more multiple marketing combination and distribution of power. 3. Introduce professional manager to built culture character professional ways of management. In order to check and balance, separate accounting from cashier. Furthermore, drama performance should be more professional and delicate. Establish partner relationship between directors and staff . Build a fairer, opener, and more moderate system. Tourist satisfaction 1. Lock on the tourists in the areas to the south of Chiayi County and Chayi City, and the tourists in Taipei County and Taipei City. 2. Tourists in these areas are satisfied with the cultural experience. The authorities should deepen cultural spirit, so that the tourists can have different feelings when they come back again,. And the most dissatisfying restaurant should be improved immediately, so that when tourists come back again, they can know the improvement of Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation. 3. Tourists are willing to come back again. Therefore, Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation should manage in different ways to increase the chances of contacting with latent customers. Community relationship 1. Culture: Connect o the culture with the tribe as soon as possible and communicate with each other about the recognition toward culture. Then, build modern culture spirit from traditional culture. 2. Economy: Build intergrowth economical relationship. 3. Society: Continue Priest White's spirit. Treat one another with empathy. 4. Politics Abandon ideological thinking. Respect one another and respect the spirit of democracy with open minds.



台灣原住民, 文化產業, 文化行銷, 布農部落屋, 顧客滿意度, Taiwan aborigines, cultural industry, cultural marketing, Bunun Cultural and Educational Foundation, tourist satisfactory





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