A Study on Promoting the Gender Egalitarianism of Key Success Factor by Workplace- As an Example of Taiwan's Enterprises.

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Chin-Cheh Yi
Jui-Chen Lee
Pei-Wen Liao
Li-Chun Hsu

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The social, economic, political and environment rapid changes make the participation of women in the workplace increased the number of people in the global. However the gender differences from men and women equal pay for equal work or equal pay for equal value there are obvious differences. In 2006, Taiwan’s Council of Labor Affairs launched the Friendly Workplace Gender Equality good institutions in the scheme and selection, evaluation by the national internal salary, promotion, the basic rights and interests of the welfare system, awarded to gender equality friendly workplace mark certification. The study purpose was to explore the workplace to promote gender equality a key success factor. And the qualitative and quantitative research methods mixed. The first revision Duncan the internal and external environment analysis and the second have to select 6 respondents’ interviews. Finally the 60 questionnaires issued the cause the Council of Labor Affairs has been certified. The study found that in the workplace to promote gender equality on the critical success factors include: the support of senior management, senior management involved in the promotion of a common view, business owners to operate the gender equality concept, employees of the organization agree with the objective to promote equal rights, enterprise meritocratic culture, corporate image, gender equality in education and training, gender equality laws related to advocacy, all employees involved in the promotion of a common gender equality. And the study was no statistically significant main. The different organizations types, different industries types, different size the Gender Egalitarianism of key success factor by workplace was the same.







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