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本研究以經濟部中小企業創新研究獎歷屆獲獎企業為研究對象,經樣本初步調查與整理,扣除重複獲獎及停止營業之企業後,共453家獲獎企業為調查之樣本,以郵寄問卷方式透過對企業中、高階管理者的填答資料來驗証本研究所推論之假設。回收有效樣本158 份,經由迴歸分析探討整體架構的u影響性;並藉由母群企業現況分析探討其共同特性。本研究結論如下:
(七) 創新能力的技術創新在市場導向影響經營績效間具有中介效果。
The small and medium enterprises in our country are confronted with technology transformation and industrial upgrading currently. With the Statute for Industrial Innovation etc. legal resources released by the government, continuous encouragement of industrial innovation and upgrade of industrial core competitive capabilities, the economic benefit resulted from this kinetic energy and trend has fermented gradually under the driving force of the industry, government, academic and research units. In recent years, our enterprises have been recognized by International Rating Agencies in the evaluation index of “entrepreneurship” and “innovation capability”. Under this background, enterprises, especially for the small and medium enterprises, should also possess “market orientation”, the ability to judge the environment, market, customer and competitor, then can seek sustainable operation in the highly competitive environment. This study explored the relationship between market orientation, entrepreneurship, innovation capability and business performance of the small and medium enterprises. Winners of Innovation& Research Awards of Small & Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair were taken as examples, attempting to find out the common characteristics of successful innovative enterprises. The study objects were previous enterprises winning Innovation & Research Awards of Small & Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair . After primary investigation and sorting, enterprises winning the award repeatedly or ceasing operations were excluded. 453 awarded enterprises were taken as study samples. Questionnaires were posted to the middle and high level managers in these enterprises. Their answers were used to verify the hypothesis inferred in this study. 158 effective samples were returned. Analysis of regression was performed to explore the correlation of the overall structures. The common characteristics were explored through analysis of current situation of enterprise population. The conclusions of this study were made as below: 1.Market orientation has positive impact on entrepreneurship.Furthermore, the overall market orientation have significant positive effect on innovativeness. competition orientation and interfunctional coordination have significant positive effect on proactiveness. 2.Market orientation has positive and significant effect on innovation capability. 3.The higher the level of “competitor orientation” and “interfunctional coordination” in market orientation, the more likely to improve “business performance”. 4.The higher the level of “proactiveness” in “entrepreneurship”, the more likely to improve “business performance”. 5.The higher the level of “technology innovation” in “innovation capability”, the more likely to improve “business performance”. 6.Entrepreneurship of proactiveness is proposed as a mediator of the effect of market orientation on business performance. 7.Innovation capability of technology innovation is proposed as a mediator of the effect of market orientation on business performance. 8.The analysis of the current situation of enterprise population indicates that enterprises involving in activities of innovation, research and development survive longer than other small and medium enterprises. 9.The analysis of the current situation of enterprise population indicates that enterprises involving in activities of innovation, research and development have the phenomenon of industry cluster.
The small and medium enterprises in our country are confronted with technology transformation and industrial upgrading currently. With the Statute for Industrial Innovation etc. legal resources released by the government, continuous encouragement of industrial innovation and upgrade of industrial core competitive capabilities, the economic benefit resulted from this kinetic energy and trend has fermented gradually under the driving force of the industry, government, academic and research units. In recent years, our enterprises have been recognized by International Rating Agencies in the evaluation index of “entrepreneurship” and “innovation capability”. Under this background, enterprises, especially for the small and medium enterprises, should also possess “market orientation”, the ability to judge the environment, market, customer and competitor, then can seek sustainable operation in the highly competitive environment. This study explored the relationship between market orientation, entrepreneurship, innovation capability and business performance of the small and medium enterprises. Winners of Innovation& Research Awards of Small & Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair were taken as examples, attempting to find out the common characteristics of successful innovative enterprises. The study objects were previous enterprises winning Innovation & Research Awards of Small & Medium Enterprise of Ministry of Economic Affair . After primary investigation and sorting, enterprises winning the award repeatedly or ceasing operations were excluded. 453 awarded enterprises were taken as study samples. Questionnaires were posted to the middle and high level managers in these enterprises. Their answers were used to verify the hypothesis inferred in this study. 158 effective samples were returned. Analysis of regression was performed to explore the correlation of the overall structures. The common characteristics were explored through analysis of current situation of enterprise population. The conclusions of this study were made as below: 1.Market orientation has positive impact on entrepreneurship.Furthermore, the overall market orientation have significant positive effect on innovativeness. competition orientation and interfunctional coordination have significant positive effect on proactiveness. 2.Market orientation has positive and significant effect on innovation capability. 3.The higher the level of “competitor orientation” and “interfunctional coordination” in market orientation, the more likely to improve “business performance”. 4.The higher the level of “proactiveness” in “entrepreneurship”, the more likely to improve “business performance”. 5.The higher the level of “technology innovation” in “innovation capability”, the more likely to improve “business performance”. 6.Entrepreneurship of proactiveness is proposed as a mediator of the effect of market orientation on business performance. 7.Innovation capability of technology innovation is proposed as a mediator of the effect of market orientation on business performance. 8.The analysis of the current situation of enterprise population indicates that enterprises involving in activities of innovation, research and development survive longer than other small and medium enterprises. 9.The analysis of the current situation of enterprise population indicates that enterprises involving in activities of innovation, research and development have the phenomenon of industry cluster.
市場導向, 企業家精神, 創新能力, 經營績效, market orientation, Entrepreneurship, innovation capability, business performance