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本研究旨在探討漢字部件意義化創意記憶策略及部件數對以華語為第二語言(Chinese as Second Language, CSL)學習者的漢字識寫成效。研究對象為24位不同國籍背景之精通英語的華語文初學者(男7人、女17人)。本研究為2X2的混合二因子設計,受試者間的自變項為不同漢字記憶策略(部件意義化創意記憶策略、部件序列記憶策略);受試者內的調節變項為漢字部件數(部件數總和4個以上為高部件數漢字,2個則為低部件數漢字),用以探究部件數對不同漢字記憶策略的交互作用程度;依變項為於實驗後對受試者進行立即後測與隔週的延宕後測之漢字學習效果(字義識記作業與字形書寫作業正確率兩種效果)。採用共變數分析與二因子混合變異數分析進行研究效果檢定。研究結果發現:1.在交互作用方面,不同漢字記憶策略與部件數在字形書寫作業之立即與延宕測驗正確率皆有交互作用,且在低部件數漢字的條件下,部件意義化創意記憶策略的效果大於部件序列記憶策略,代表部件意義化創意記憶策略能有效提升CSL學習者的低部件數漢字學習效果。2.在主要效果方面,部件意義化創意記憶策略對CSL學習者的字義識記學習效果顯著高於部件序列記憶策略,代表意義化的記憶策略比傳統機械性的背誦部件方式更能促進CSL學習者的漢字字義學習效果。3.低部件數漢字的字形書寫學習效果優於高部件數漢字,代表低部件數漢字的字形結構單純,對CSL學習者認知負荷較輕,容易學習。本研究證實,將組合成整字的部件,透過有意義的故事或情境串聯,有助提升CSL學習者的漢字字義學習效果,且部件意義化創意記憶策略對於字形書寫學習效果,在較為簡單的低部件數漢字學習上更加明顯。
The purpose of the research is to investigate the effects of creative mnemonics with meaningful radicals and the numbers of radicals on the recognition and writing of Chinese characters for Chinese as Second Language learners. The participants were 24 English native speakers (7 males, 17 females) who were also beginners in Chinese. The design of the experiment was 2X2 two way mixed design. The methods to deal with the data were ANCOVA and two-way ANOVA. The independent variable of the between-subject factor was different Chinese character mnemonics (Chinese characters creative mnemonics of meaningful radicals and radical-order mnemonics). The moderating variable of the within-subject factor was the numbers of radicals (the character composed of 4 or more radicals was seen as high radicals Chinese character and that composed of 2 radicals was the low radicals.) The dependent variable is effects on the recognition and writing of Chinese characters through the instant post-test and delay post-test next week. The findings of the research were as follows. Firstly, there is interaction in instant and delay writing test between creative mnemonics with meaningful radicals and the numbers of radicals. The creative mnemonics had significant effect on the writing of Chinese characters under the condition of low radicals. Secondly, the creative mnemonics had significant effect on the recognition of Chinese characters. Thirdly, the low radicals had significant effect on the writing of Chinese characters. Overall, the creative mnemonics with meaningful radicals was much better to promote the effect on the recognition of Chinese characters. The low radicals were much easier to write for CSL learners because of little cognitive load.



部件意義化創意記憶策略, 部件數, 以華語為二語學習者, 漢字識寫, creative mnemonics of meaningful radicals, numbers of radicals, Chinese as Second Language (CSL) learner, effects on the recognition and writing of Chinese characters





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