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教育部於2003年依據全國教育發展會議結論建議研擬了「教育部補助試辦教師專業評鑑實施計畫(草案)」,鼓勵高級中等以下學校與學校教師自願申請試辦。而桃園縣自2012年起,開始一連串培訓「桃園縣教學領導教師」的課程,希望為縣級輔導員及各校教學領導人員增能,增進教學視導績效,以及培養出桃園縣漸次銜接教育部教師專業發展評鑑制度的人才。 本研究旨在建構桃園縣國中「綜合活動學習領域教學觀察評鑑指標」以提供桃園縣綜合活動學習領域教師進行專業發展評鑑參考之用,包括建構適用於桃園縣國中綜合活動學習領域教學觀察的評鑑層面、評鑑指標以及參考檢核重點。透過相關文獻探討以及三回合德懷術問卷之實施,蒐集綜合活動學習領域、課程與教學評鑑專家學者與桃園縣綜合活動領域實際進行教學觀察教師共十位德懷術專家小組成員的意見並凝聚共識後,建構出適用於「桃園縣國中綜合活動學習領域教學觀察評鑑指標」。 「桃園縣國中綜合活動學習領域教學觀察評鑑指標」包含課程設計與教學、班級經營與輔導二大評鑑層面;善於統整任教領域知能、以多元的方式清楚呈現教材內容、依學生狀況運用有效教學策略、以學生為中心,應用良好溝通技巧、運用多元評量評估學習成效、有效引導體驗學習活動、建立有助於學生學習的班級秩序、營造積極合作的班級學習氣氛、落實學生輔導工作等九項評鑑指標項目;並細分成四十五個參考檢核重點。最後根據本研究之結論,研究者針對桃園縣綜合活動學習領域教學觀察評鑑指標應用與後續研究二方面提出建議。
In 2003, Ministry of Education Republic of China developed the draft plan named, " Pilot Grant Implementation Plan of Teacher Evalucation for Professional Development " followed by the conclusion through the National Education Development Conference and encouraged all educations programs before senior high school and voluntary pilot school teachers to apply for this. Since 2012 in Taoyuan county, there were a series of Taoyuan county tutorial leadership program; all was for Taoyuan county area and targeted to promote teaching school counselors' and leaders' skills, enhanced instructional supervision performance and cultivation of talents , gradually converged Ministry of Education Republic of China teacher evalucation for professional development system. This research was aim for building up "Teaching observation evaluation Indicators in Integrative Activities Learning Areas", providing the reference for the junior high school teachers who teach integrative learning area in Taoyuan, including constructed level, indicators and reference checking points of the teaching observation in integrative activities learning areas of junior high school students in Taoyuan. This research was set up through literatures review, three times of Delphi technique questionnaire implementations, the collection of integrative activity learning domain, 10 candidates' opinions among expertise, scholars and Taoyuan county integrative activities area teachers, both practical teaching and observation work. Followed by all consensus, it was teaching observation evaluation indicators of integrative activities learning areas of junior high school students in Taoyuan that applicable construction. The teaching observation evaluation indicators in integrative activities learning areas of junior high school students in Taoyuan was well designed into two levels, program design and teaching and class management and coaching; There were also nine index among superior teaching domain and knowledge integration, multiple teaching material execution deliveries and teaching flexibility and effectiveness according to the students' reactions, students focus and oriented, positive communication skill, forth putting multiple assessments to learning evaluation, guidelines to effective learning experience activities, establishment to class order for effective learning curve, generate positive and cooperative class learning atmosphere and put students' counseling jobs into effect. Follow by the above contents, there were 45 reference checking points. In the last, on the basis of the research conclusion, there were two aspects, focus on the implementation to Taoyuan county integrative activities learning domain and teaching observation evaluation index and follow-by study, proposed by the researcher.



綜合活動學習領域, 教學觀察, 教學觀察評鑑指標, 教師專業展評鑑, Integrative Activities Learning Areas, teaching observation, teaching observation evaluation Indicators, Teacher Evalucation for Professional Developmen





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