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對數位閱讀時代的來臨,電子書替代紙本書籍已是未來的趨勢,但當電子書成為學習的主要工具時,對於學生的學習會帶來何種影響?以此為動機進行相關研究,本研究主要首先探討不同學習風格的學生使用電子書學習的表現,然後研析學生與教師對於使用電子書學習有何看法?提出實用對策,提供欲推動使用電子書之相關單位參考。 研究對象為大學部學生,採用學習風格問卷來分析學習者的學習風格類型,接著以「電子書使用性問卷」和「APP實作軟體使用性問卷」瞭解學生對於使用電子書與APP是否適用。最後使用半結構式訪談瞭解學生與教師對使用電子書與APP軟體之趨向。 研究結果發現: (一)使用電子書進行學習的學生以反思型為最多,其次為實際型學生。 (二)不同學習風格學生對於使用電子書進行學習的使用性有差異,整體而言以理論型學生最為適用。 (三) 不同學習風格學生對於使用電子書進行學習的學習成績有差異,其中以理論型學生學習成績最佳。 (四)電子書使用性與學生成績有相關性。
With the rise of digital reading, it seems inevitable for printed books to be replaced by e-books. However, we need to understand how student learning would be affected when e-books become the major learning tool. Despite the advantages of reading e-books on portable devices, many students still prefer the use of printed books when studying. This preference may be potentially affected by student learning styles and strategies. These questions gave rise to the research motive and our investigation on student performance and student use of e-books and how both were related to their learning styles. We also surveyed student and instructor opinions on the use of e-books for learning. The results of our investigation would provide a referential basis for institutions and authorities concerned with the promotion of e-books for student use. Senior undergraduates students participated in this research. Research tools included a Learning Style Questionnaire to determine student learning style, E-book Usability Questionnaire and the APP Usability Questionnaire to evaluate the adequacy of the e-books among students, as well as semi-structured interviews to assess and analyze student and instructor feedback on the use of e-books. The following lists the research findings: 1. Students who used the e-books tend to be reflectors, followed by pragmatists 2. There were differences in e-book usability for the learning between students with different learning styles. The use of e-books was most compatible with theoretical students. 3. Student performance differed based on their learning styles, with theoretical students receiving higher scores. 4. There were correlations between usability of e-books and student performance in the course.



學習風格, 電子書, 使用性, Learning Style, E-book, Usability





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