dc.contributor | 林淑慧 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor | Lin, Shu-Hui | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 蔡志彥 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | Tsai, Chih-Yen | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2023-12-08T07:41:22Z | |
dc.date.available | 2022-07-24 | |
dc.date.available | 2023-12-08T07:41:22Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2022 | |
dc.description.abstract | 台灣現代文學若從1920年算起,至今已達百年。本土化論者賦予台灣文學「民族」性格,企圖塑造它成「台灣民族」的文學傳統。然近年來經全球化及西方理論介入的台灣後殖民論述,曾動搖本土概念。「台灣民族」文學論述已經難以解釋,百年台灣文學混雜意識之異質性悖論。有感於此,本文依廖朝陽〈再談空白主體〉提出「土地共同感」文學界義,並參考邱貴芬台灣文學「台灣性」,援引詹明信的《政治無意識》,提出「土地無意識」的文學批評論述,盼與學界共思。期待「土地無意識」能踏讀文本,獲得更繽紛「彼時、多方、此地」語義豐富性。全文共分七章,於第一章(緒論)先勾勒出台灣文學某種「歷史化」過程,同時指出「台灣民族」文學論以及與「土地」攸關的「鄉土」與「本土」概念,並點出「土地」所具有的「理論」潛能。透過廖朝陽所謂「格義」能跨越思想疆界之精神,本文第二章針對「土地無意識」的「理論」取徑與論述形成做出說明。第二章第一節先論述從「空白主體」到「土地共同感」文學「界義」之演變過程,第二節則是闡述從《政治無意識》到「土地無意識」的文學批評理念,第三節則將論述焦點鎖定在從「精神分析」到台灣文學的「無意識主體」上。 第三章(形構台灣文學「無意識主體」之文本例證)以拉岡「精神分析」學說關於主體分裂的「ISR三界結循環」為論述基礎,描繪出台灣文學如何在想像的「大它者」目光壓迫下,總讓欲望主體陷入語言符號的牢籠中糾結,卻又以「真實界」殘餘「小對形」的「土地」換喻象徵,因而顯露出破碎、扭曲,且早已隱藏於「真實界」的「精神創傷性」。第四章(「土地無意識」的批評視域與文本「土地」型態)開始進入「土地無意識」文學批評視域之說明。依《政治無意識》強調「歷史」、「階級」、「生產方式」與「烏托邦」的內涵,及土地的「沉積」、「土層」、「墾殖」、「深掘」特性,第四章發展出「歷史語境」、「文化生產方式」、「階級層位」及「矛盾的烏托邦深掘」等「四種向度」形構「土地無意識」的四項操作型視域,並各自具有文學「外部」與「內部」的分析意義。延續第四章「土地無意識」四項視域的論述脈絡,第五章、第六章(「土地無意識」的文本批評演練)依四項視域分別進行文本批評。第五章第一節選擇西川滿於戰前、戰後初期所創文本進行分析,開啟文本「內部關係」與「外部意義」的談論,亦已凸顯第一項視域「沉積而成的歷史語境」所謂每位作者皆已背負其出生年代的各自啟程獨特歷史共性。第二節則以「反共文學」時期男性與女性作家互為對比座標而論。本節除已論述出第二項視域「墾殖的文化生產方式」中「文化生產」的「統治者」角色,亦透過女性作家將視線拉回眼前「台灣土地」的「反『反共文學』」陰性筆觸,揭示某種「象徵秩序」已被女性作家「創作欲望」情感鑿出裂縫之精神分析。 第六章第一節持「深掘烏托邦的矛盾」之精神,將保釣世代「回歸現實」與原住民「生活土地」進行文本比對。本節指出彼時所謂「回歸現實」實正是回歸「眼前土地」外,並指出所謂「回歸現實」的「眼前土地」一直都是原住民族賴以為生的「生活土地」。第六章最末節則鎖定「土層般的剖面視角」探討黃崇凱的《文藝春秋》與百年台灣文學作家傳統之關係。最終章(持續欠缺的「空白主體」與未來展望)統整各章論述重點,並再次主張以「土地」作為文學批評視域能提供的台灣文學新論述。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Contemporary Taiwanese literature has been developing for 100 years if dated back to 1920. The historical context brought by multiple colonial periods and immigrants has made Taiwan nativist literature, which occupied more than half of the development period, develop a correlation generated from nativist literature to locality in Taiwan, and then the correlation was linked to the Taiwanese national consciousness. Scholars who support the Taiwanese localization movement attach national character to Taiwanese literature in an attempt to shape it into the literary tradition of the"Taiwanese nation".However, the postcolonial discourse in Taiwan with the introduction of globalization and western theories in recent years has cause many people to waver in the concept of locality. The Taiwanese literary tradition of 100 years mixed with the paradox of heterogeneity in consciousness is now difficult to explained by the Taiwanese National Literary Theory. Upon observing this phenomenon, the literary boundary concept of the "sense of land commonality" was suggested in the studybased on More on the Subject as Void by Chao-Yang Liao. The concepts of"Taiwaneseness in Taiwanese literature" proposed by Kuei-Fen Chiu and Political Unconscious by Fredric Jameson were both referred, and the discussion of the literary criticism and discourse on "land unconscious" was raised. It is expected that the concept of "land unconscious" can be applied to the reading of text in order to obtain the semantic variety of "then, multi-party and here". Due to the length limit, no further description or comparison of events in literary history was in the study, and the main idea of it was to discuss a possibility in literary studies. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 臺灣語文學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | 80726003L-41647 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/61b26446ecf44c0e6854648c26dd889c/ | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119842 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 「台灣民族」文學論述 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 土地共同感 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 界義 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 土地無意識 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 視域 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Taiwanese national literary theory | en_US |
dc.subject | sense of land commonality | en_US |
dc.subject | iterary boundary concept | en_US |
dc.subject | land unconscious | en_US |
dc.subject | perspective | en_US |
dc.title | 「土地無意識」的台灣文學及其批評視域 | zh_TW |
dc.title | The subjectivity of Taiwan literature on the land unconsciousness and its perspective | en_US |
dc.type | etd |
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