"你真的這麼想嗎?"、"我的台語可以這麼說嗎?"-- 台語復振運動後衍生的兩個語言態度問題研究
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本研究有兩個研究問題。 (1):台灣民眾對台語真正的態度為何? (2):台灣年輕人講的台語,社會上的接受程度如何? 台灣解嚴至今,台語(包括其他本土語言,但本研究僅討論台語)復振運動持續進 行。相關研究多顯示,民眾支持台語復振,但這種支持卻很少化為行動。為何有這種差 異?在過去長年的國語運動中,台語受到污名化;但解嚴至今的二十多年中,支持台語, 似乎成為主流價值。本研究欲了解,在台語”昨非今是”的主流價值轉變中,民眾現階段 對台語真正的態度為何? 相關的前行研究,幾乎皆以直接的問題,進行問卷調查;本研究將採直接和間接兩 種問卷。直接方式除了一般常用的直接問題之外,還將加入反向問題,作為問卷有效與 否的主要參考。間接問卷的問題,將採用” Attitude towards Language” (AToL Scale) 及Speech Evaluation Instrument (SEI)這兩項指標,作為主要參考依據。 另外,台灣年輕人的台語,已難以避免華語的影響。第二個研究問題,將進行 verbal-guise實驗。透過控制台語「復振意識」程度和流利程度,設定不同年輕發音人 的條件,作為各種verbal-guise的發音人。再透過SEI指標,調查受試者對年輕人台 語口音的態度。畢竟台語若能持續傳承,正在形成的年輕人口音將是未來台語的主流。 研究結果除了提供最新語言態度結果之外,更可作為往後長遠發展的參考。
This study has two research questions; (1) What is Taiwanese people’s authentic attitude towards Taiwan Southern Min (TSM)? (2) How is the Mandarin-accented TSM, the major TSM variety of young people, accepted in Taiwan? Previous studies indicated that people in Taiwan generally support the Taiwanese language revitalization, a movement initiated after the lift of Martial Law in 1990. However, such support seemed to remain only at psychological level; relevant actions were not conducted correspondingly. In the past, TSM had been linked to a negative image as it had been stigmatized for decades in the Mandarin promotion movement However, this ever stigmatized image was largely converted to not only de-stigmatized one but a mainstream value. In other words, in Taiwan, two opposite attitudes toward TSM are competing. One is old , negative, but deep-seated; the other is new , positive, and currently “political correct,,. This study, unlike previous studies that adopted only direct methodology, adopting both direct and indirect methodologies, aims to probe into Taiwanese people’s authentic attitude towards TSM under such an old/new attitudinal competition. As to research question (2), it is motivated by the current situation of TSM in Taiwan. The influence or transfer from Mandarin are inevitable in young people’s TSM. Such Mandarin-accented TSM is criticized by TSM conservatists, while it seems to keep diffusing. If the TSM revitalization continues in the same way as it is now, the Mandarin-accented TSM will become the major variety of TSM in the not far future. This study thus intends to investigate the degree of acceptability of such accented TSM. The result can be a nice reference resource for TSM language policy planner - to “correct” the Mandarin-accented TSM, or accept the stable transfers from Mandarin as the contacts between Mandarin and TSM are so frequent that mutual transfers are natural. This study thus plans to conduct a verbal-guise experiment. Two factors will be controlled for the various verbal guises; they are, “consciousness of TSM revitalization” and TSM competence for in this experiment. The Speech Evaluation Instrument (SEI) will be applied in the evaluation of the various verbal guises. The results of this study can serve as the up-to-date language attitude data towards TSM, which, no matter positive or negative, can further serve as important information for planning language policies.
This study has two research questions; (1) What is Taiwanese people’s authentic attitude towards Taiwan Southern Min (TSM)? (2) How is the Mandarin-accented TSM, the major TSM variety of young people, accepted in Taiwan? Previous studies indicated that people in Taiwan generally support the Taiwanese language revitalization, a movement initiated after the lift of Martial Law in 1990. However, such support seemed to remain only at psychological level; relevant actions were not conducted correspondingly. In the past, TSM had been linked to a negative image as it had been stigmatized for decades in the Mandarin promotion movement However, this ever stigmatized image was largely converted to not only de-stigmatized one but a mainstream value. In other words, in Taiwan, two opposite attitudes toward TSM are competing. One is old , negative, but deep-seated; the other is new , positive, and currently “political correct,,. This study, unlike previous studies that adopted only direct methodology, adopting both direct and indirect methodologies, aims to probe into Taiwanese people’s authentic attitude towards TSM under such an old/new attitudinal competition. As to research question (2), it is motivated by the current situation of TSM in Taiwan. The influence or transfer from Mandarin are inevitable in young people’s TSM. Such Mandarin-accented TSM is criticized by TSM conservatists, while it seems to keep diffusing. If the TSM revitalization continues in the same way as it is now, the Mandarin-accented TSM will become the major variety of TSM in the not far future. This study thus intends to investigate the degree of acceptability of such accented TSM. The result can be a nice reference resource for TSM language policy planner - to “correct” the Mandarin-accented TSM, or accept the stable transfers from Mandarin as the contacts between Mandarin and TSM are so frequent that mutual transfers are natural. This study thus plans to conduct a verbal-guise experiment. Two factors will be controlled for the various verbal guises; they are, “consciousness of TSM revitalization” and TSM competence for in this experiment. The Speech Evaluation Instrument (SEI) will be applied in the evaluation of the various verbal guises. The results of this study can serve as the up-to-date language attitude data towards TSM, which, no matter positive or negative, can further serve as important information for planning language policies.