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現代大學,是培養現今青年在知識累積的殿堂;大學裡的理工科技實驗室,更是激盪科技新創意、產生新思維的重要場所。因此,大學實驗室是智慧泉源;新的知識與邏輯思考,不論是對於基礎科學的貢獻,或是應用技術的開發,都可以在那裡被發掘、產生出來。 本研究旨在探討及研究國立大學理工科技光電實驗室裡的人員組成架構及其訓練研究生於畢業後在產業界提供創新的歷程,相信在每個理工科技實驗室裡維持優良的研究傳統與學風以及在人員上的研究並在選擇研究領域上能用心地開拓與經營以歷經艱困草創期、成長期與轉型期將是校園理工科技實驗室的三項重要因素。 本研究發現,校園實驗室在研究人力的配置與規劃上與研究人力的社會性關係有關連性;校園實驗室對研究人力資源發展的影響,受到不同實驗室屬性與特質影響,因而會發展權變性的條件發展;校園實驗室對研究人力資源的創新能力發展影響,則鑲嵌在實驗室價值判斷上,可分為產業升級型創新能力以及產業轉型式創新能力。
To date, university plays an important role in train and develop knowledge for young students. Especially, the laboratory in the university is an important place for bring in novel originality and thinking. Therefore, the laboratory in the university is a fountain of wisdom, which can generate and introduce new applications of basic science and technology to industry and to student as well. This study explored the personnel structure of the electro-optical technology laboratory in national university. And it also focuses on the training for the graduate student to introduce novel idea in the industry after graduating from university. The researcher believed that “containing the good research culture”, “research personnel and “paying attention on the research topic” is the three important issues for campus technology laboratory to pass the difficult embryonic, growing and transformation period. The results reveal that the allocations of research manpower in university labs are embedded in the social ties of the research manpower; due to the developments of research manpower of university lab are affected by the characteristics and the attributes of labs, the development would be contingent; the developments of innovative competence of research manpower are embedded in the values of lab, and could comprise upgrade innovative competence and transformation innovative competence.



校園光電科技實驗室, 人力資源發展, 創新, Campus electro-optical technology laboratory, Development of human resources, Innovation





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