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本研究旨在透過領導力培訓方案的活動設計,將大學社團負責人應具備的領導知能融入其學習經驗,以期透過方案課程來提升參與者的領導能力,以國立中央大學的現任學生社團負責人為研究對象,施行質化為主,量化為輔的研究法。調查工具有「大學社團負責人參與領導力培訓方案調查問卷」、「個別訪談大綱」,據以探討大學學生社團負責人參與培訓方案的學習經驗與領導力發展情形。本研究的第一階段於109學年度第2學期施行領導力培訓方案,國立中央大學共計有31名社團負責人全程參與,完成課程前測與後測,根據學員填答培訓方案能力指標之知覺程度,取得評量結果;第二階段採立意取樣的方式,於量化結果區分出前後測差距的高分組、中分組及低分組同學,並分別徵得合適且願意受訪的訪談對象,共計有10名社團負責人參與個別訪談;研究者於訪談過程遵循質性研究倫理,採用三角檢驗、研究參與者檢核及厚實敘寫等方式,增加研究信實度。研究結果歸納如下:一、大學社團負責人參與培訓方案有助於促進領導力發展,其領導能力的5C關鍵能力指標達顯著差異,且是向上提升的。二、大學社團負責人參與培訓方案,其領導力各項能力指標提升程度由高至低依序分別為「問題解決能力、溝通表達能力、團隊合作能力、獨立思辨能力、創新創造能力。」三、大學社團負責人參與培訓方案的動機越強,則領導力發展知覺程度越高。 四、大學社團負責人參與社團領導力培訓方案的動機:認同領導力培訓的價值、精進自己的能力、尋找方向並解答疑惑,並表達願意將所學推廣至所屬社團內部。 五、大學社團負責人於培訓方案中的學習經驗與領導力發展的內涵包括:「溝通表達是最希望提升的能力」、「創造願景,朝心目中的團隊目標前進」、「勇於面對並提出建議,有助於解決問題」、「相互協調、氣氛和諧,可促進團隊合作」、「深入思考、提出觀點並給予回饋」。 本研究根據上述研究結果,對於大專校院推廣領導力培訓方案與未來相關研究提出具體建議,期能供學生社團輔導人員規劃與實施相關方案作為參考。
The purpose of this research was to improve the leadership skills of university club leaders through the program courses which was designed with leadership knowledge and skills that the leaders of university clubs should have. The participants in this research are current club leaders in National Central University. The research object was based on the qualitative research method, and quantified was used as the supplementary research method. The survey tools included the"Questionnaire for Participants of Clubs Leadership Training Programs" and "Individual Interview Outlines" to investigate the learning experience and leadership development of the club leaders who participated in the training programs. The first phase of this study implemented in the second semester of the 109 academic year. The 31 club leaders from the National Central University participated in the whole process. Based on their pre-test and post-test of the course, the gaps of the perception points from their tests in the training program were known.In the second phase, the purposive sampling method was adapted to distinguish the high point, middle point and low point groups of students with gaps between the pre-test and post-tests based on the quantitative results. Next, the appropriate and willing interviewees obtained respectively.There were 10 club leaders participated in individual interviews. The researchers followed qualitative research ethics during the interview process, using methods such as triangular inspection, respondent validation and thick narratives to increase the reliability of the research. The research results were summarized as follows:1. The participation of the leadership training program provided help to promote the development of leadership. The 5C competence indicators of their leadership capabilities reached significant differences and were upwardly improved.2. After participating the program, it could see that the abilities of the participant were improved. The improvement degree of the indicators of their leadership ability in descending order were"problem solving ability, communication ability, teamwork ability, independent thinking ability, innovation and creativity ability." 3. In the leadership training program, it could be found out that the stronger motivation of the club leadership held, the higher perception they develop. 4.The motivation of university club leaders to participate in the club leadership training program included: agree with the value of leadership training, improve their abilities, find directions and answer doubts, and express their willingness to extend what they have learned to the clubs they belong to.5.The contents of the learning experience and leadership development of the club leadership training program included:"Communication and expression abilities are most hoped to be improved.", "Creating a vision and moving towards to the ideal team goal. ", "Being brave to face question and propose suggestions to help solving problems", "Coordinating with each other and having a harmonious atmosphere to enhance teamwork", "Thinking deeply, sharing your own opinion and giving feedback." Based on the above research results, this study puts forward suggestions for leadership training programs of universities and related research, which can be used as a reference for the plan and implementation of related programs by student club counselors.



社團負責人, 領導力, 學習經驗, club leader, leadership, learning experience





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