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南管音樂早期活絡於臺灣與閩南沿海地區,是人民的休閒活動之一,在音樂文化上扮演著重要的角色,南管琵琶為南管音樂之領奏樂器,其保有唐代琵琶的樣貌,延續傳統之風,與現今國樂琵琶有著深厚淵源,兩者屬同一文化之脈絡,歷經時間的演變,發展出風格迥異的兩類琵琶。 本文以南管琵琶為研究對象,並加入國樂琵琶作為參照,探究南管琵琶之音色特徵。首先從兩琵琶的歷史背景、樂器形制、音樂發展與樂曲種類,以及演奏技法等面向,瞭解兩者間的關聯與異同。後將影響音色之因素分為物件性與音樂性兩方向,物件性係指樂器本身形體的條件,包含共鳴箱構造、製作材質與琴絃材質三部分;而音樂性再細分為樂器音色與演奏音色,樂器音色意為在固定的演奏方式下所產生之聲音,如彈奏音區與絃序、義甲使用情形;演奏音色則為演奏者的彈奏方式,屬人為之因素,涵蓋左手按絃指型與位置、觸絃點、觸絃重力與速度、觸絃面積、觸絃角度及指甲用鋒六個部分。並以三位南管藝師:張鴻明先生、張栢仲先生、吳素霞女士,以及國樂琵琶這四者所彈奏之〈梅花操〉為樣本,以物件性與音樂性兩種因素進行觀察,並加入音頻譜分析,剖析比較彼此之間音色的異同,以瞭解南管琵琶之音色特徵。
Nan-guan music was popular early in Taiwan and Minnan district as one of the people’s entertainments. It plays an important role in the entire Chinese music history. In Nan-guan music, Nan-guan pipa was the lead instrument. Nan-guan pipa, which maintains the appearance of the Tang dynasty, has a close relation to contemporary Chinese music pipa. However, from time to time, they have developed into two different types of pipas. This study discuss the features of Nan-guan pipa by focusing on the timbre between Chinese pipa and Nan-guan pipa. First, the relation and difference between the two was recognized through history, appearances, developments, types of songs and playing techniques. The factors which influence the timbre can be divided into two types: materiality and musicality. Materiality refers to the conditions of the instruments, including the structure of the resonating box, make material and string material. And the musicality is composed of instrumental timbre and performing timbre. The instrumental timbre refers to the sound which is produced under certain ways of performance, such as chording, the string order and fake nail. Performing timbre is the way how the performer plays. It involves the left hand techniques, the string pressing point, the strength and the speed of pressing, the area and the angle of pressing and the surface of the nail. This study uses the sample of “Meihua Cao” (Plum Blossom Suite), which is perform by Zhang Hong-Ming, Zhang Bo-Zhong and Wu Su-Xia in Nan-guan pipa and the ways performed by Chinese music pipa. By observing the materiality and the musicality, as well as the analysis of the spectrum, the difference of the two instrument can be identified.



南管琵琶, 國樂琵琶, 音色, 張鴻明, 張栢仲, 吳素霞, Nan-guan pipa, Chinese music pipa, Timbre, Zhang Hong-Ming, Zhang Bo-Zhong, Wu Su-Xia





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