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本研究旨在探討大學學生團體領導人道德兩難情境及其做決定歷程,以提供未來指導學生團體實務上應用之參考。本研究的研究問題為:領導學生團體過程中,所遇到的道德兩難情境問題有哪些?學生團體領導人做兩難問題決定的歷程為何?是否具備道德敏感度、道德判斷能力、道德動機,並實踐道德行動?做決定後的影響及研究參與者對學生團體領導人培訓課程的建議為何? 為充分收集學生團體領導人所遭遇的兩難情境,本研究首先設計「兩難問題情境調查表」,施測12所大學院校的學生團體領導人。之後,以一所私立大學內曾擔任或現任學生團體領導人為研究對象,採立意抽樣的方式,選取六位「資料豐富的個案」作為研究參與者,採用質性研究方法,透過半結構式的深度訪談來收集資料。另本研究透過與研究參與者建立信任關係、同儕檢核、三角檢正、研究參與者檢核、厚實敘寫等方式,以建立本研究之信實度。研究發現如下: 一、學生團體領導人的道德兩難情境 (一)團體自主VS.外力干預:有三種因素影響團體自主,分別為社團學長姐的干預、社團指導老師的干預、學校行政人員的干預,以上三種情境關聯之倫理原則為尊重自主原則。 (二)經費透明公開VS.社團文化陋習:兩難的情境分別有二:1.學長姐帳冊、單據交代不清;2.為了增加團體經費而報假帳,以上二種情境關聯之倫理原則誠實原則、正義原則。 (三)團體利益優先VS.個人關係導向:兩難的情境分別有二:1.社員的不當行為,因私人因素影響社團事務;2.面對不適任的幹部,領導者不知是否該撤換。以上第一種情境關聯之倫理原則為公平原則、第二種情境為不傷害他人。 (四)公平分工VS.能者多勞,兩難情境分別有二:1.團體領導者自己承擔,不放心將工作交給其他人做;2.領導者將工作交給信任的幹部,以上兩種情境關聯之倫理原則為公平原則。 (五)學生團體利益VS.學校行政權力:學生團體與學校行政單位的衝突,可分為二1.學生團體被迫讓出依照規定借用的場地;2.學校規定不一,對待每個社團不公平,以上兩種情境關聯之倫理原則為公平原則。 (六)違規募款VS.經費不足,學生團體因為活動經費不足必須對外募款,但募款單位提出的要求違反學校規定,領導者面臨是否要向其募款的兩難,以上情境關聯行善原則和義務間的衝突。 (七)團體存廢VS.個人隱私:同志團體中,同志學生不願接任社長,怕同志身份曝光,但無人接任社長,社團會倒社,因而社長面臨社團繼續運作與強迫他人擔任社長的兩難。此情境關聯之倫理原則為保密和隱私權。 (八)正直發聲VS.安於現有體制:兩難情境分別有:1.挑戰體制,針對學校內的政策及規定提出改革建議,但怕得罪學校,此情境關聯之倫理原則為正義原則;2.挑戰倫理輩份,不因團體內上下階層關係,依據事實,公正地處理問題,此情境關聯之倫理原則為公平原則。 (九)尊重個人隱私VS.讓他人受傷害:兩難情境分別有二:1.社員被社團指導老師性騷擾,擔心公佈此事件會讓受害者身份曝光,但如果不公佈,可能會有其他人受害,此情境關聯之倫理原則為尊重自主、不傷害他人及保密原則;2.知悉社團內成員性行為習慣,是否要提醒新進成員注意與其交往,避免感情受騙或被傳染性病,此情境關聯之倫理原則為保密原則、行善原則、不傷害他人原則。 二、學生團體領導人面對道德兩難情境做決定歷程 本研究的做決定歷程,依據1986年Rest提出的倫理決定模式為依據,分從道德敏感、道德判斷、道德動機、道德行動四方面分析。 (一)道德敏感:六位研究參與者初始面臨道德兩難情境道德敏感呈現情形可以分為四種:不知不覺、後知後覺、內在衝突、心有定見。 (二)道德判斷和道德動機:研究發現學生團體領導人的道德判斷和道德動機相互影響,之後做出決定採取行動,考量面向包含三個面向:1.團體成員個人利益;2.團體本身利益;3.學校立場。 (三)道德行動:研究參與者最後採取的道德行動有三種:1.自我負責、2.折衷妥協、3.無奈接受。 三、做決定後的影響與研究參與者對學生團體領導人培訓課程的建議 (一)做決定後的影響 六位學生團體領導者做決定後的影響,其中有五個正面成長及三個負面影響,正面成長如下:1.從無知犯錯到小心謹慎;2.從關心自我到關懷對方;3.遭遇挫折,勇於堅持信念;4.創意課程改變觀點,不再執著,思考更多元;5.從自我懷疑到坦然面對。負面影響如下:1.擔任會長扛責任、對事務要求高,卸任後對於事務變得很冷漠;2.內心充滿罪惡感,影響未來生涯規劃;3.好意幫忙,卻無奈面臨倒社,灰心失望。 (二)研究參與者對學生團體領導人培訓課程的建議 分三個面向:1.與學校關係:與課外組建立良好溝通、學習行政倫理程序;2.學生團體領導者:要多參與民主法治、公共事務,並具備國際觀、熱情、正向思考、EQ、溝通能力,規劃目標並培養良善的人格;3.經營學生團體的認知:如瞭解團體本質、學習他人經驗、注意公平、學習包容及以身作則。 本研究根據上述研究發現,對教育行政機關、學校提出具體建議,並對進一步研究上提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore moral dilemmas and decision making processes of university student organization leaders. For further reference for the practice of student advising organizations in the future, the research questions included: What are moral dilemmas student organization leaders confront? What are desicion making processes of student organization leaders? Are student organization leaders equipped with moral sensitivity, moral judgment, and practice moral actions? What are the effects of post-decision making and what are research participants’ suggestions for training courses plotted for university student organization leaders? The questionnaire of “dilemmatic situation” was first designed and conducted to leaders of student organizations in 12 universities to acquire sufficient data. Six former or current student organization leaders in a private university had then been purposively selected as research participants. Data were collected by using semi-structured in-depth interviews, in addition, for trustworthiness of the research, methods of triangulation, member checks, peer reviewing, thick description, and development of trust relationship with participants were employed. The findings of the research are: 1. Moral dilemmas of student organization leaders: (1) Organizational autonomy VS. External interference: three interferences named seniors, advisers, and administrative staff affect organizational autonomy. This dilemma involves ethical principle of respects for autonomy. (2) Transparent budget policy VS. Abuses of student organization culture: two dilemmas confronted are ambiguous book-keeping done by seniors, and false accounts for increases of organization expenditure. These two dilemmas involve ethical principles of honesty and justice. (3) Priority of organizational benefits VS. Personal relation-oriented: two dilemmas included are a) members personal misconducts that affect student organizational benefits; and b) leaders unable to deal with unqualified committee members. The first is related to ethical principle of fairness and the second is doing no harm to others. (4) Tasks assigned fairly VS. Tasks assigned more to the capable: two dilemmas involved are: a) leaders take up responsibilities by themselves and do not trust others to carry out the works; b) leaders distribute work to committee members trusted. These two situations are related to ethical principle of fairness. (5) Interests of student organizations. VS. Power of school administration: two conflicts between student organizations and school administration are that student organizations are forced to give up sites booked in accordance with regulations; and that school authority operates different policies on various organizations. The two situations are related to ethical principle of fairness. (6) Regulation-violated fund-raising VS. Funds shortage: student organization needs to raise fund, but action of which violates school regulations, resulting in leaders facing dilemmas. The above situation involves conflicts between ethical principle of benefiting others and assuming obligations. (7) Existence of student organization VS. Personal privacy: with fear of exposing one’s own sexual preference, none of homosexual or lesbian students is willing to be a leader of a GLBT organization. A former leader would thus confront dilemmatic pressures of forcing others to disregard their personal privacy and taking up the leadership for maintaining the organization. Such situation is related to ethical principle of secrecy and privacy. (8) Giving off voices of integrity VS. Being used to current system: two levels of dilemmas: a) challenging institutional system by bringing up suggestions for institution policies, which results in students worrying about offending institution regulations. The situation is related to ethical principle of justice; or b) challenging ethical seniority regardless of hierarchy within organizations, and dealing with problems based on facts and justice. The situation is also related to ethical principle of justice. (9) Respects for personal privacy VS. Doing harm to others: two dilemmas involved are a) sexual harassment: whether to proclaim the crime to free others from harms or to be silent for privacy-protection. The situation is related to ethical principles of respects for autonomy, doing no harm and keeping secrecy; and b) homosexual or lesbian intimacy: whether or not to remind the newly enrolled the sexual habits of specific member to help her avoid emotional frauds or sexually transmitted diseases. The situation is related to ethical principles of secrecy, benefiting others, and doing no harms to others. 2. Decision-making processes of student organization leaders based on Rest’s four-component decision-making model in 1986: (1) Moral Sensitivity: the dilemmas met by the six participants can be categorized in four levels basing on sensitivity to morality, namely, imperceptibleness, slow perception, internal conflicts, and prejudices. (2) Moral judgments and moral motivations: the research shows that moral judgments and moral motivations of student organization leaders interact before actions, based on considering three aspects, are taken by leaders: a) individual interests of organization members; and b) interests of student organizations; and c) interests of institution. (3) Moral actions: three final actions taken by the research participants include: a) self responsibility; b) compromise; and c) forced acceptance. 3. The effects of post-decision making and suggestions for setting training courses for university student organization leaders from participants (1) Effects of post-decision making The six participants have access to a spectrum of post decision making effects among which five are positive and three negative. The positive effects are: switches from innocent mistakes to caution; shifts from ego-centered to caring others; keeping faith when encountering frustrations; creation courses make perspectives changed, which results in their quality with less stubbornness and more versatility; and changes from self-doubt to self- acceptance. The negative effects include: heavy responsibility and high requirements during leaders term result in cold and detached attitude towards affairs later; sense of guiltiness affecting career plan in the future; and good intention destroyed disappointedly when encountering closure of student organizations. (2) Research participants’ suggestions for setting training courses for university student organization leaders. There are three aspects: a) Relationship with institution: establishing open communication channel with extracurricular activity division, and studying procedure of administrative ethics. b) Leaders: they should participate more in democratic procedures, public affairs, and be equipped with international perspectives, passion, positive thinking, EQ, communication skills, abilities for goal planning, and to develop warm personality. c) Knowledge of managing student organization: to understand nature of the organization, learn from other’s experiences, pay attention to fairness, learn tolerance, and to set up examples. In line with results and findings of this research, recommendations are made for the Ministry of Education, as well as for colleges. Suggestions for further researches are also presented.



道德兩難, 做決定, 質性研究, 學生事務, 學生團體, 倫理原則, moral dilemma, decision-making, qualitative research, student affairs, student organization, ethical principle





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