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俗稱洗腎的血液透析,人口正以每年近三千人的數目快速成長,而血液透析照護的重要性,已是我國政府機關及醫療產業不可小覷的問題,尤其是護理職場正處於新舊世代並存之現況,使有著不同成長背景及生活習慣的護理人員,很容易產生不同的工作價值觀與激勵方式偏好。因此,本研究採問卷調查法方式,探討不同世代血液透析護理人員的工作價值觀與激勵方式偏好之差異。其研究目的如下: (一) 探討不同世代血液透析護理人員工作價值觀之差異。 (二) 探討不同世代血液透析護理人員激勵方式偏好之差異。 (三) 探討不同世代血液透析護理人員的工作價值觀與激勵方式偏好之相關情形。 本研究依財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會,2012-2014年醫院及教學醫院評鑑通過之名單,以新北市有意願之各血液透析中心(即洗腎照護)護理人員為主,包含醫學中心、區域醫院及地區醫院,護理人員共計188人作為主要研究對象。 研究結果發現:(1)不同世代血液透析護理人員對工作需有專業能力及技 術,且能獲得大眾肯定及尊重較為認同;也意外發現,現今從事護理工作之員工並非僅為追求經濟上的穩定。(2)不同世代血液透析護理人員對醫院限制性的休假及扣薪制度仍是非常關注及重視;但對醫院是否有決策參與及安排非專業性課程較無重視之感。(3)從工作價值觀與激勵偏好方式的相關性分析結果得知,追求成長空間的五年級員工與重視對工作/病患盡心盡力的七年級員工,偏好醫院所提供的各項激勵方式;重視主管嚴謹且展露威嚴的五年級員工與為提升專業技術而努力不懈的七年級員工,偏好醫院能提供抱怨管道及舒壓環境;重視為病患展現專業能力以及給予真誠心的六年級員工與追求職涯發展的七年級員工,偏好醫院能給予決策機會與安排休假/排班。 經由研究結果得知:不同世代血液透析護理人員,在金錢認知及表現上產生極端差異性,且對尊重、休假制度之安排及安全層面亦相當重視,因此,建議護理部主管應避免採用負面性、處罰性、強制性的做法,應建立匿名式的調查管道,使血液透析護理人員皆有表達建議之機會,期望能藉由討論及改善成效塑造新的幸福職場。
As the population of hemodialysis which commonly known as “cleaning kidney” is increasing rapidly at the rate of nearly 3,000 people per year, taking care of such patients has become a social matter that government agencies and medical industry should not overlook nowadays, especially in such instances that nursing staff with different backgrounds and lifestyles are apt to different preferences for work values and incentive methods in current nursing workplaces where old and new generations coexist. As a consequence, this study aim to explore differences among different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff in work values and incentive preferences by means of surveys and questionaires. The objectives of this study ares: (1)To explore differences among different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff in work values; (2)To explore differences in incentive preferences among different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff; (3)To explore the relationships between work values and incentive preferences among different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff The research objects are mainly nursing staff in hemodialysis centers willing to participate within the approval list of 2012-2014 hospitals and teaching hospitals evaluation held by Medical Quality Committee and Foundation Hospital in New Taipei City. Totally 188 participants come from medical centers, regional centers and district hospitals. It has been found from this study: (1) Different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff have more agreement in working needs expertise, techniques, and get recognition and respect from publics. An unexpected discovery is that current nursing staff are not pursuing stability of economics only. (2) Different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff are caring about the restricted day-off and salary deduction rules but paying less attention to decision-making participation and non-professional courses. (3) Observed from relationships between work values and incentive preferences among different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff: the 60s staff pursuing growing space and the 80s staff doing their utmost for the works, patients and others, pay considerable attention to the incentive methods what hospital could provide. The 60s staff facing the rigorous supervisor showing majesty and the 80s staff trying hard to improve professional technique pays considerable attention to the way of complaint and de-stress environment. The 70s staff showing expertise and sincereness and the 80s staff havings more agreement to the career development pay considerable attention to the opportunity for decision-making participation and make a difference to the day-off and scheduling system. Overall, it has been concluded intrinsic values in work values is correlative significantly with safety needs in preference in incentive method. As a result, different generations of hemodialysis nursing staff have been found to be extremely different in recognition and attitude to money, and also to lay enough stress on vacation schedule. So nursing department director is supposed to encourage hemodialysis nursing staff in service to express inner thought through newly established anonymous survey channel instead of negative, punitive and compulsory deeds, then discuss with them and make further improvements for creating a satisfying workplace.



血液透析, 世代, 護理人員, 工作價值觀, 激勵方式, hemodialysis, generations, nursing staff, work values, incentive preference





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