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Department of Industrial Education, NTNU
Department of Industrial Education, NTNU
本研究希望探討影響離島技專院校參與產學合作的因素以及效益。本研究對離島地區技專院校教師共發出103份問內,收回63份有效問卷,有效回收率為 61.1%。就廠商面則發出120份問卷收回41份有效問卷,有效回收率為34.1%。研究結果顯示若依平均數大小排列,教師認為影響離島地區技專校院參 與產學合作的因素依序為教師能力面、合作廠商面、產學合作計畫本身、學校聲譽與地緣、學校行政與組織面。就廠商面而言則依序為教師能力面、產學合作計畫本 氏、合作廠商面、學校行政與組織面、學校聲譽與地緣。經由t檢定,教師較廠商認為合作廠商的配合程度,教師本身的研究能力及以學校的地緣關係等層面會影響 參與產學合作的因素,達到0.05顯著水準。產學合作效益方面,從教師觀點依序分別為增進教師研究能力、提升校譽、增加財務收入、增進教學品質。就廠商觀 點則依序分別為協助離島學校發展、增進企業組織發展及提升企業經濟效益。經由逐步迴歸分析發現產學合作計畫本身、學校行政與組織兩個變數可以預測離島地區 技專院校參與產學合作之效益,可解釋總變異量為32.9%。
The study aims to explore the factors and benefits that might influence the participation of technological institutes in business and industry liaison system (BILS). A total of 103 questionnaires were distributed to the faculty of technological institutes, and 63 completed questionnaires were returned, which accounted for a return rate of 61.1%. On the other hand, 41 among 120 questionnaires distributed to the business were returned as valid with a rate of 34.1%. The results indicated that the factors (in descending order of mean scores) that might influence the participation of off-Taiwan technological institutes in BILS include: the competence of faculty, the cooperative business, the plan of liaison system, school reputation and location, and school administration and organization. Form the perspectives of business, factors assumed to be influential are the competence of faculty, the plan of liaison system, the cooperative business, school administration and organization, and school reputation and location. Teachers, based on the result of t-test, were more likely to think that such factors as the fitness of cooperative business, the research ability of faculty members, and school location, had a significant impact on the BILS. They also thought that promoting the research ability of faculty members, having a better academic reputation, increasing the financial income, and improving the teaching quality were all required in terms of the effectiveness of the BILS. What the business thought to be influential to the system were centered around helping the development of off-Taiwan schools, strengthening the organizational development of business, and improving the economic effectiveness. Findings from stepwise regression analysis showed that the two variables, the plan of the liaison system and school administration and organization, were useful for prediction of the effectiveness of the liaison system for off-Taiwan technological institutes and that 32.9% of the to
The study aims to explore the factors and benefits that might influence the participation of technological institutes in business and industry liaison system (BILS). A total of 103 questionnaires were distributed to the faculty of technological institutes, and 63 completed questionnaires were returned, which accounted for a return rate of 61.1%. On the other hand, 41 among 120 questionnaires distributed to the business were returned as valid with a rate of 34.1%. The results indicated that the factors (in descending order of mean scores) that might influence the participation of off-Taiwan technological institutes in BILS include: the competence of faculty, the cooperative business, the plan of liaison system, school reputation and location, and school administration and organization. Form the perspectives of business, factors assumed to be influential are the competence of faculty, the plan of liaison system, the cooperative business, school administration and organization, and school reputation and location. Teachers, based on the result of t-test, were more likely to think that such factors as the fitness of cooperative business, the research ability of faculty members, and school location, had a significant impact on the BILS. They also thought that promoting the research ability of faculty members, having a better academic reputation, increasing the financial income, and improving the teaching quality were all required in terms of the effectiveness of the BILS. What the business thought to be influential to the system were centered around helping the development of off-Taiwan schools, strengthening the organizational development of business, and improving the economic effectiveness. Findings from stepwise regression analysis showed that the two variables, the plan of the liaison system and school administration and organization, were useful for prediction of the effectiveness of the liaison system for off-Taiwan technological institutes and that 32.9% of the to