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This study explores the various ways in which the category of British film noir evinces its particularities against today’s dominant film noir discourse, which is basically American-noir-centred. It further stakes out the ethical aspect of human life as the most salient specificity of the British noir strand. By relying on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s notion of “family resemblance,” I claim that the reason why British noir is “noir” is not because of the logic of universality (i.e. that it shares “essential” noir traits identifiable within the [American] film noir genre), but because the British variety already represents certain aspects of a whole set of heterogenous and intricate relationships—similarities, variations, differences—existent within the noir “family.” Considering this, I examine the many unexplored yet exclusive aspects of British noir (its unique contexts like the spy genre, post-imperial sentiments, local socio-cultural factors, etc., and its key issues regarding community and communication, humanity and the human condition, etc.). In this, I challenge dominant critical positions, which often merely approach British noir through American-informed lenses (crime fiction, German Expressionist style, a demoralised modern city/world, hard-boiled subjectivity, fatal sexuality, existentialist alienation, etc.). With British-specific elements being parsed out, I argue that ethical concerns, as well as a “collective” outlook onscreen that regards human life as an intricate mode of existence, are the most significant “noir” aspects of British noir. In light of this angle, and drawing on apposite critical lenses from philosophers like Iris Murdoch, Alenka Zupančič and Jean-Luc Nancy, I analyse three British noir paragons, Odd Man Out (1947), Brighton Rock (1948) and The Third Man (1949). I tease out and sketch the rhetorical forms in British noir that present moral scenarios and implications in various ways, which may inform pertinently the diverse moral attitudes within contemporary Britain.



黑色電影, 英國黑色電影, 英國電影, 家族相似性, 倫理, 共同體, Film Noir, British Film Noir, British Cinema, Family Resemblance, Ethics, Community





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