課程式休閒活動參與動機、持續涉入與幸福感相關之研究-- 以臺北士林社區大學學員為例

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本研究目的主要探討課程式休閒活動參與者之個人背景變項及參與動機、持續涉入及其幸福感之情形。同時分析課程式休閒活動參與者之參與動機、持續涉入及上課整體滿意度對於幸福感之相關及其影響情形。研究對象為臺北士林社區大學之學員,問卷於 2013年5月27日至6月17日採隨機抽樣法發放550份,有效問卷回收423份。採量化的研究方法,透過問卷調查進行研究,研究問卷共分三構面:參與動機、持續涉入、幸福感。研究結果:(1) 臺北士林社區大學參與者以女性、50-59歲、大學、已婚、有子女數1人以上者居多。宗教信仰為一般民間信仰、上班族、每月所得 30,001~50,000元收入者為最多。參與年資為1期的人數最多,但5期以上的參與者,占有三分之一強,顯示士林社大持續參與比例亦是很高。本學期參與期數則多為1門課,占四分之三強。 (2) 參與動機在不同年齡、職業、每月收入、婚姻狀況、子女數與參與年資呈現顯著的差異。(3) 持續涉入除宗教信仰以外,在不同性別、年齡、教育程度、職業、每月收入、婚姻狀況、子女數、本學期參與課程數與參與年資等皆呈現顯著差異。(4) 婚姻狀況、子女數與宗教信仰在幸福感皆呈現顯著差異。已婚且子女數愈多者,幸福感愈大。基督徒幸福感大於無信仰及佛、道教。(5) 參與動機中的「求知興趣」、持續涉入中的「吸引力」與幸福感呈現較高的相關性。參與動機對整體滿意度呈顯著正相關。持續涉入對於整體滿意度有顯著正相關。整體滿意度對幸福感亦呈現顯著相關,滿意度愈高幸福感就愈高。由此可知不論是參與動機的不同,或是持續涉入年資長短,都會對整體滿意度造成影響,進而對幸福感亦造成相關的影響。
The purpose of this study was mainly to investigate the context regarding the background variables and participation motivation, enduring involvement, and well-being among participants in curriculum-style recreational activities, and to analyze, at the same time, the relevance and scenario of well-being that influence participation motivation, enduring involvement, and entire satisfaction among participants who taken part in curriculum-style recreational activities. The subjects of study were selected from students of Shihlin Community College in Taiwan, and 550 copies of questionnaires released in random were done from 27th May to 16th June, with valid 423 copies retrieved. Quantification research method was employed, whereas questionnaire survey was carried out for study, and the questionnaire could be classified into three aspects as participating motivation, enduring involvement, and well-being. The results were found as follows: (1) the primary participants of the curriculum-style recreational activities of Shihlin Community College in Taipei City were mostly 50 to 59 years old, married, college graduated females, and most of them have more than 1 child. For most of them, they were regular folk belief in religion, and office workers with monthly income between NT$30,001 to NT$50,000. Besides, most of them have participated 1 semester, whereas those who attended the college for more than 5 semesters amounts to 30%, showing the fact that the ratio of continuous participation in Shihlin Community College was rather high. Furthermore, students who participated in this semester had mostly taken 1 class, amounting to 75%. (2) Significant difference in participate motivation could be found in terms of age, job, monthly income, marital status, number of children, and participation years. (3) Significant difference can be found for enduring involvement, aside from religion, in terms of sex, age, education, job, monthly income, marital status, number of children, number of class taken this semester, and years of participation. (4) Participants‘ marital status, number of children, and religion were found with significant differences in well-being, and those who had more children enjoyed greater well-being. Besides, well-being among Christians was greater than those Buddhist and Taoist. (5) For “Learning motivation” in participating motivation, and “attraction” in enduring involvement, they had shown significant correlation toward well-being. Participating motivation was found to have positive correlation towards the entire satisfaction. Enduring involvement was found to have significant and positive correlation towards entire satisfaction. The entire satisfaction has indicated significant correlation with well-being, and the higher the satisfaction the well-being will be higher. Thus it could be seen that no mater what aspect of participation motivation or enduring involvement, they all could affect the entire satisfaction, and also have correlation with and influence on the well-being further.



課程式休閒活動, 社區大學, 參與動機, 持續涉入, 幸福感, Curriculum-style Recreational Activities, Community College, Participating Motivation, Enduring Involvement, Well-being





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