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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究係依康鳳梅等發展之立體旋轉定位、平面旋轉定位、立體展平關係、型版摺合關係、型版分解關係、型版組合關係、表面相交線形成感觀、型版連結視覺、型版組合視覺、圖形對應視覺、平面轉換立體組織、物體多向圖形組織等 12 項空間能力量表,針對19 所公立高工6,153 位學生進行測驗,收集、建立高工學生空間能力之百分等級常模,以提供施測者百分等級對照。研究同時透過專家座談及訪談,結合試題反應理論(IRT)建置電腦化適性測驗(CAT)系統之空間能力資源網(http://sa.ie.ntnu.edu.tw),以網路施測方式紀錄使用者測驗之成績,並藉以建立空間能力常模資料,提供系統對使用者之空間能力評估,俾作為未來我國高工學生空間能力測驗及教師進行學生空間能力加強訓練之參考。
The purpose of this study was to use the five spatial ability indicators and twelve spatial ability scales constructed by Fong-Mei Kang et al., in order to set the spatial ability norms for industrial vocational high school students from northern, central and southern Taiwan. First our subjects were given spatial ability tests. Then we used the norms to analyze and develop a Spatial Ability Computerized Adaptive Test System for industrial vocational high school students, using the study results as a reference for teaching spatial ability to students in Taiwan and for developing future spatial ability tests. This study sampled and tested 6,153 students in 19 public industrial vocational high schools in Taiwan so as to collect the test materials, give the spatial ability test and construct the spatial ability percentile rank norms for the students, including the contrast between primary score and percentile rank of each one taking the test. Meanwhile, expert panel discussions and specialist interviews were held to integrate Items Response Theory (IRT) with our own research, and to set up a website (http://sa.ie.ntnu.edu.tw) focusing on spatial ability and the Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) system. On-line tests were conducted to record the scores of website users, so as to build a database for spatial ability norms as well as evaluate the spatial ability of users of this computerized system.
The purpose of this study was to use the five spatial ability indicators and twelve spatial ability scales constructed by Fong-Mei Kang et al., in order to set the spatial ability norms for industrial vocational high school students from northern, central and southern Taiwan. First our subjects were given spatial ability tests. Then we used the norms to analyze and develop a Spatial Ability Computerized Adaptive Test System for industrial vocational high school students, using the study results as a reference for teaching spatial ability to students in Taiwan and for developing future spatial ability tests. This study sampled and tested 6,153 students in 19 public industrial vocational high schools in Taiwan so as to collect the test materials, give the spatial ability test and construct the spatial ability percentile rank norms for the students, including the contrast between primary score and percentile rank of each one taking the test. Meanwhile, expert panel discussions and specialist interviews were held to integrate Items Response Theory (IRT) with our own research, and to set up a website (http://sa.ie.ntnu.edu.tw) focusing on spatial ability and the Computerized Adaptive Tests (CAT) system. On-line tests were conducted to record the scores of website users, so as to build a database for spatial ability norms as well as evaluate the spatial ability of users of this computerized system.