
dc.contributorGuo , Jong-Longen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Ming-Chienen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在發展改善經期不適症狀、促進團體支持為為目的之網路支持社群,藉由網路社群活動的參與,提供同儕支持增加青少女對經期不適症狀的瞭解及重視,了解其面對經期不適症狀的自我照顧行為能力,促進適當的團體支持,增加青少女經期間的舒適,並探討持續參與意圖的影響因素。 本研究設計使用觀察研究法,有效樣本為140位,初經已來潮,且近半年內有經期不適症狀問題,在學中的女學生,根據個案於網路支持社群活動的參與過程,獲得同儕間認同與支持,透過結構式自填問卷:背景資料、經期不適症狀、社會支持量表(含支持期待與支持獲得)及滿意度與持續意圖進行相關資料收集,並將施測後所得各項資料以描述性統計、t檢驗、變異數分析、複迴歸分析及邏輯斯迴歸分析進行相關結果呈現與討論,並以此支持網路社群進行經驗分享,增加青少女對經期不適症狀的瞭解及重視,並探討個案持續參與意圖。 研究結果顯示: 一、本研究所蒐集之資料分析顯示,經期間生理不適嚴重症狀前三名依序為:腹部絞痛、容易疲倦、腰酸背痛及頭痛;心理不適嚴重症狀前三名依序為:容易煩躁易怒、情緒不穩定、憂鬱;行為改變嚴重症狀依序為:容易想哭或流淚、及感覺失控。 二、研究對象參與支持網路社群之滿意度,於5分量表下其各題平均為3.74至3.85,顯示受測對象在參與支持網路社群的滿意度傾向正向。 三、統計結果顯示,研究對象對於參與網路社群滿意度的影響因素有:情緒性(或評價性)支持、工具性(或實質性)支持及自尊感維持以上三種社會支持類型。 四、有意圖持續參與網路社群者佔5成以上,影響研究對象參與網路社群持續意圖之顯著影響因素為滿意度(OR=1.35,P<.05)。 根據本研究結果,於學校健康服務應用、校護在職訓練建議及未來研究建議分別提出具體建議,期提供學校與教育工作者,作為未來進行相關研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aims at developing social networks which could improve the symptoms of menstrual discomfort, and further discusses the influencing factors of adolescent girls' intentions to partake in the social networks. By participating in the online community activities, adolescent girls are expected to gain peer support, understand and face up the symptoms of menstrual discomfort, and realize their capabilities of self-care when confronted with these symptoms. The social networks could build and facilitate proper group support and enhance the ease of teenage girls during the menstruation. This is a observational research with 140 valid samples. These female students in school have already got menarche and in the recent six months they have the problems of menstrual discomfort. The cases' participation in the social networks is evaluated through structured self-assessment questionnaires collecting relevant data of their backgrounds, symptoms of menstrual discomfort, social supporting scale (including expectations and actual obtainment) , satisfaction and the intention of continuance. The test is discussed and presented with descriptive statistics, t-test, analysis of variance, multiple regression analysis and logistic regression. The research indicates: The research findings as fllow: 1. The top three of the most acute symptoms of menstrual discomfort during the menstruation in sequence are abdominal cramps, fatigue, and backache as well as headache. The top three symptoms of psychological discomfort in sequence are getting fidgety and angry easily, emotional instability, and depression. The most acute symptoms of behaviors changing are: weeping easily and feeling like losing control. 2. The average of students' satisfaction of participating in the social networks in 5 points Likert Scale ranges between 3.74 to 3.85, which shows those subjects' feedback is positive. 3. The influencing factors in the participants' satisfaction are emotional (or appraisal support) , instrumental (or tangible support) and self-esteem. 4.More than 50% of the students have an intention to continue to partake in the social networks, and the significant influencing factor is the subjects' satisfaction(OR=1.35 , P<.05). This research could be applied to school health services and on-the-job training for school nurses, anticipating to offer concrete suggestions for future studies as well as provide references for schools and educators.en_US
dc.subjectmenstrual distressen_US
dc.subjectsocial mediaen_US
dc.subjectsocial supporten_US
dc.titleInvestigating the intentions of adolescent girls to continuously participate in supportive social media for adjusting menstrual distresses using Expectation Confirmation Theoryen_US

