ChatGPT 作為工作聯盟:心理賦能與自我效能的增進
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ChatGPT是新興的技術與工具,深入或大規模的研究尚稱稀少;相關話題熱度雖居高不下,但多半聚焦於工具性,往往忽略ChatGPT具備深聊能力,是不折不扣的「聊天機器人」。基此,本研究旨在探查ChatGPT對心靈健康的促進潛力,請6位受試者設定長期目標,使用ChatGPT作為任務輔助工具一個月;再透過深度訪談、量表評分及統計檢定討論其在提升心理賦能與自我效能方面扮演的角色。統計檢定顯示,ChatGPT介入後,用戶的心理賦能及自我效能確有顯著提升;比對訪談內容,發現ChatGPT能鼓舞用戶,使其建立信心。搭配專案回報機制,可增加用戶的動力、耐心、自律、執行力、掌控感與後設認知。與ChatGPT的良好對話可緩解負面情緒,提升心理賦能。此外, 心理賦能及自我效能增進效益,受用戶「與ChatGPT的情感連結度」、「認可ChatGPT的能力」及「認真執行計畫」三面向的程度影響。
ChatGPT is an emerging technology and tool, with in-depth or large-scale research still relatively rare. While the topic remains highly popular, most discussions focus on its utility, often overlooking ChatGPT's deep conversation capabilities, making it a genuine "chatbot." Therefore, this study aims to explore the potential of ChatGPT in promoting mental health. Six participants were asked to set long-term goals and use ChatGPT as a task assistance tool for one month. Through in-depth interviews, scale ratings, and statistical tests, the study examines the role ChatGPT plays in enhancing psychological empowerment and self-efficacy.Statistical tests show significant improvement in users' psychological empowerment and self-efficacy after ChatGPT intervention. Comparing interview content, it was found that ChatGPT can encourage users and build their confidence. The project reporting mechanism can increase users' motivation, patience, self-discipline, execution, sense of control, and metacognition. Good conversations with ChatGPT can alleviate negative emotions and enhance psychological empowerment. Furthermore, the benefits of enhancing psychological empowerment and self-efficacy are influenced by the extent of users' "emotional connection with ChatGPT," "recognition of ChatGPT's capabilities," and "seriousness in executing plans."
ChatGPT is an emerging technology and tool, with in-depth or large-scale research still relatively rare. While the topic remains highly popular, most discussions focus on its utility, often overlooking ChatGPT's deep conversation capabilities, making it a genuine "chatbot." Therefore, this study aims to explore the potential of ChatGPT in promoting mental health. Six participants were asked to set long-term goals and use ChatGPT as a task assistance tool for one month. Through in-depth interviews, scale ratings, and statistical tests, the study examines the role ChatGPT plays in enhancing psychological empowerment and self-efficacy.Statistical tests show significant improvement in users' psychological empowerment and self-efficacy after ChatGPT intervention. Comparing interview content, it was found that ChatGPT can encourage users and build their confidence. The project reporting mechanism can increase users' motivation, patience, self-discipline, execution, sense of control, and metacognition. Good conversations with ChatGPT can alleviate negative emotions and enhance psychological empowerment. Furthermore, the benefits of enhancing psychological empowerment and self-efficacy are influenced by the extent of users' "emotional connection with ChatGPT," "recognition of ChatGPT's capabilities," and "seriousness in executing plans."
ChatGPT, 心理賦能, 自我效能, 工作聯盟, ChatGPT, Psychological Empowerment, Self-efficacy, Working Alliance