國民中學節能減碳學校課程研發與推廣-子計畫二:自然與生活科技學習領域理化學域( I )
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本計畫為三年期整合型計畫之子計畫,為延續「國民中學節能減碳永 續教育研究」計畫的初步結果,並繼續修正自然與生活科 技領域裡化學域試驗教學後之教學模組;將在新北市光仁 中學與新竹市虎林國中進行為期2 年半的試驗教學比較研 究。本計畫將和參與本計畫的兩所學校的校長、教師充分 合作,將所發展出的教材、教具和教學模組以及效果評量 工具整理成一套國中能源教育教學模組。並將實驗教學的 過程、教學模組和相關資料,製成光碟,做為推廣之用。 配合總計畫舉辦全國北中南東教師節能減碳教學觀摩研習 會與增能工作坊,以推廣研究之成效,同時擬訂九年一貫 國中階段(七~九年級)能源教育的分段能力指標與補充 說明,作為教育部訂定教科書編寫有關能源教育的重要參 考。
This proposal is a three years extension of the previous 2 years project “a study on sustainable education of energy saving and carbon reduction at junior high school”. In this proposal, we will modify the teaching modules developed in the previous project and imply a comparison study between a public junior high school and a private school. This study needs to work closely with teachers and junior high school presidents in the two and half year period. Record the teaching and learning processes during the experimental teaching to make CD for future promotion and share the teaching experiences in the conferences. Four energy education workshops will be held at Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien, to introduce the teaching modules developed in this proposal to junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The results of this proposal can be applied to modify the present competence indicators of energy education for junior high school (7th grade to 9th grade).
This proposal is a three years extension of the previous 2 years project “a study on sustainable education of energy saving and carbon reduction at junior high school”. In this proposal, we will modify the teaching modules developed in the previous project and imply a comparison study between a public junior high school and a private school. This study needs to work closely with teachers and junior high school presidents in the two and half year period. Record the teaching and learning processes during the experimental teaching to make CD for future promotion and share the teaching experiences in the conferences. Four energy education workshops will be held at Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Hualien, to introduce the teaching modules developed in this proposal to junior high school teachers in Taiwan. The results of this proposal can be applied to modify the present competence indicators of energy education for junior high school (7th grade to 9th grade).