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Morita Kenji

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Department of Taiwan Culture, Languages, and Literature, NTNU


戦後台湾では一元主義的な「国語」普及政策が進められたものの、長老教会は「信徒の側に立ち信仰を守る」という立場を堅持し、信仰で用いる言語を維持することを課題の1つとして掲げた。この一貫した態度が、教会という空間で繰り広げられたことで、教会は上からの言語政策に抗しつつ教会ローマ字を維持、継承させ続けた。教会のとった具体的な対応は次のとおりである。1950年代には「国語政策」に反するとの名目で、政権は教会ローマ字聖書を取り締まったが、教会は憲法にある「信仰の自由」に反するなどの論を展開し、政権は教会ローマ字を残存させる余地を残した。6、70年代、教会は政権の主張する国家アイデンティティに反する言動や民主化要求を繰り広げたため、政権はその活動を抑え込めるべく教会ローマ字聖書を没収する措置をとった。だが教会はまたしても50 年代と同じ論で政権に抵抗した。80 年代には「語文法」草案にローマ字制限の規定が明記され、教会は再び危機感を顕にした。この頃になると拡大した「党外」勢力と教会が一致して「語文法」反対の行動をみせ、旧来の国民党による統合政策の挫折がみられるに至った。
After World War II, Taiwan’s new government adopted a policy of promoting Mandarin as the sole national language (guoyu) at the expense of Japanese and local languages like Taiwanese. However, the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) did its best to protect its members’ right to worship in their native languages. That attitude can be seen again and again within the church; as it resisted the Mandarin-only policy, the church continued to use Church Romanization, its version of romanized Taiwanese. To keep Church Romanization alive, the church responded to the national language policy in many different ways. In the 1950s, the government banned the Church Romanization Bible on the grounds that it violated the national language policy. In response, the PCT claimed that the ban violated the freedom of religion enshrined in the R.O.C. Constitution. The result was that the government did not crack down completely, allowing Church Romanization to survive. In the 60s and 70s, after the PCT repeatedly expressed disagreement with the national identity promoted by the government, the latter began confiscating Church Romanization Bibles in order to suppress church activity. However, the church once again responded with the freedom of religion tactic it had used in the 50s. During the 1980s, when the “Language and Script Law” (Yuwen Fa) proposed to restrict the use of Church Romanization, the church again felt a sense of crisis. By this time, though, the dangwai movement was strong enough to unite with the church in opposition to the “Language and Script Law,” dealing an unprecedented setback to the government’s language integration policy.







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