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在許多教學理論當中,前階組織法從發展至今已被普遍運用於傳統課堂面授教學及網路遠距教學。過往研究曾證實前階組織對學習是有幫助的,而其前階組織幾乎皆由教材設計者或教學者所編製,也需經由教學者的教學,學習者才得以瞭解其對學習的作用。近年由Web2.0網路科技所衍伸出共構知識的學習方式,可使學習者互相提供自己的知識來創造新的知識架構,產生符合其所需要且能理解的學習內容,因此本研究擬藉由此特性將前階組織交由學習者來共創設計,使用線上共創協作的方式來進行,而教學者則擔任輔助的角色,從旁給予引導及回饋,探討不同的學習任務對線上共創協作學習之影響,同時亦針對學習者在過程中所獲得之學習經驗進行討論並分析其相關性。   本研究利用Google協作平台建立一個線上共創學習環境,以實驗統計為學習主題,研究對象為25位研究生,分為實驗組與控制組,進行為期約兩週的課後線上共創學習,兩組皆透過小組共創的方式來學習統計相關知識,而實驗組以共創前階組織做為學習任務;控制組則須完成練習題。在學習活動結束後,以成就測驗卷檢測兩組學習成就之變化,並以量表測量學習者的學習經驗,分析學習經驗與學習成就之關係,以及配合半結構式訪談瞭解學習者之經驗感受。量化研究結果顯示,進行線上共創協作學習後,全體學習者之學習成就皆有顯著改善。然而,給予不同學習任務之學習成就並不存在顯著差異,全體學習者之學習經驗與學習成就亦無顯著相關。而觀察學習情形後,發現學習參與度可能為影響學習成效的因素,因此本研究延伸探討線上學習參與度,量化結果顯示全體學習者之學習經驗與學習成就,皆和參與度達顯著相關。搭配質化資料分析結果,顯示學習者普遍對線上共創協作學習抱持正面態度,並認為其對學習是有幫助的。本研究證實線上協作學習能夠提升學習成效,並對未來教學實務上給予實質建議。
One of the common applicable theories in the teaching is advance organizer which is widely used now. It includes the traditional teaching in person and the remote teaching on the internet. Many researches had been proved that advance organizers were effective for teaching. In the past, the advance organizers were designed by teachers or professional instructional designers. In recent years, Web2.0 network technology derived from the collaborative construction of learning, so that learners could provide their own knowledge to create a new knowledge structure, in line with their needs and understanding of the learning content. Therefore, we intended to use this feature to design an online collaborative construction, and when learners completed their online learning, we asked learners to develop advance organizes. During the learning activity, the teacher was the supporting role to conduct the process and to give the feedback.   In this study, we used Google Sites to create an online learning environment, with experimental statistics as the learning topic. The duration of the learning activity was about two weeks, and he research object were 25 graduate students, divided into experimental group and control group. Both groups worked together in a group with a collaborative way to learn about statistical knowledge. The difference between the experimental group and control group was that the former was given a learning task to create advance organizers and the latter was need to complete the exercises. After the learning, the achievement test was used to test the change of learning outcomes, and the learning experience scale was used to measure the learner's learning experience. The relationship between learning experience and learning outcomes was analyzed, and the semi-structured interviews was used to understand the experience of learner.   The results showed that there were significant differences in the learning outcomes of all learners after completing the learning course, but there were no significant differences between two groups, and there were also no significant differences between learning experiences and learning outcomes of all leaners. Based on the above results, we made an extended discussion on the participation, and the results showed that there were significant differences between not only learning experiences and participations, but also learning outcomes and participations. According to the results of qualitative data analysis, we found that learners had positive attitude towards collaborative learning, and believed that it was helpful for learning.



線上共創學習, 共創前階組織, 學習經驗, 參與度, online collaborative construction, co-create advance organizers, learning experience, engagement





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