Reconsolidation-induced memory disruption in declarative memory
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Yeh, T. K.
Chang, C. Y.
Lin, M. H.
Chou, T. Y.
Lin, C. Y.
Wang, S. W. S.
Tseng K. Y.
Lo, W. H.
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Memory reconsolidation theory hypothesizes that a newly-established memory, once retrieved, becomes labile and sensitive to disruption, and a protein synthesis process is required in order to stabilize and maintain the memory as a permanent one. This study aims to explore reconsolidation-induced memory disruption in human declarative memory. One-hundred and eighty-six third-grade elementary school pupils were recruited to the study, and subjects were asked to participate in a 3-day experiment, which including two training sessions separated by a 24-hour interval and an assessment session held on day 3. The result of this study demonstrates the existence of reconsolidation in human declarative memory, and provide evidence the crucial role of reminders in triggering memory reconsolidation. In addition, we also provide evidence of discrimination between temporary forgetting and memory disruption. The results may indicate a direction for ongoing research into the application of reconsolidation theory in clinical therapy and educational practice.