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領域相關技能是Amabile 提出創造力成份模式理論的重要成份之一,而且是任一領 域上成就表現的基礎。在科技教育中與領域相關技能有直接關係的,當屬科技創造力 與實作技能,兩者為均科技教育重要之培育目標。豐沛領域知識對顯著創造性的發展 是有極度的影響;亦即,要有良好的創造力,創造者必須具備領域相關技能。而實作 技能包括科技範知、科技素養及科技能力等能力範疇,這些能力指標均受領域相關技 能所影響。 許多研究者嘗試將電腦遊戲與學習活動結合,在評估透過遊戲的方式,吸引學生主 動去瞭解學科知識,結果發現有其可行性。電腦遊戲有許多優點有助於學習,學習者 在遊戲世界中願意投入更多的時間、精力和資訊處理去解決問題。因此,遊戲可提高 內在動機,使學習充滿樂趣。雖然將電腦遊戲運用在教學上有許多的優點,但如沒有 相當的輔助,仍然有可能會有許多難以預料的缺失出現。所以,在設計遊戲式教學活 動時,應提供一個良好的教學設計,以避免遊戲教學負面效應的出現。自律學習策略 鷹架的建構,正好可以當作輔助遊戲式學習的良好工具。 本計畫在網路環境中建置能提升Amabile 的「成份模式」中「領域相關技能」的自 律式遊戲教學模組。教材以遊戲方式呈現及進行,發揮遊戲寓教於樂的優點及學習綜 效。並利用自律學習的鷹架輔助來讓學習者得以成為一個具有高學習動機、高學習能 力的學習者;進而提升學習者的科技創造力及實作技能。
Domain-relevant skills are an important part of the creativity componential model proposed by Amabile, and are the basis of all domain achievements. In technology education, technological creativity and practical skills are closely relative to domain-relevant skills. The plentiful domain knowledge can improve creativity. That is, the creators should have domain-relevant skills to create the produces. The scope of practical skills includes technological awareness, technological literacy and technological ability. These ability indexes are also related to domain-relevant skills. Many researches apply game-based learning to teaching activities. Game can attract the learner to learn the subject knowledge actively. Computer games have many advantage to help learning, learner spend more time to solve the problems in game environment. Thus, games can improve motivation. Without a good guideline, games have many drawbacks to against learning. In designing game-based learning activities, therefore, we should prove a suitable instruction design to prevent the side-effect of the games. Self-regulated learning can acts as the scaffolding environment to design the games activities. The project develops the self-regulated game-based learning teaching modules based on the Amabile』screativity componential model. Teaching materials are designed in the on-line game. Scaffolding environment is implemented by self-regulated learning strategy to assist learning activities. The main goal of the project is to improve technological creativity and practical skills of learners.
Domain-relevant skills are an important part of the creativity componential model proposed by Amabile, and are the basis of all domain achievements. In technology education, technological creativity and practical skills are closely relative to domain-relevant skills. The plentiful domain knowledge can improve creativity. That is, the creators should have domain-relevant skills to create the produces. The scope of practical skills includes technological awareness, technological literacy and technological ability. These ability indexes are also related to domain-relevant skills. Many researches apply game-based learning to teaching activities. Game can attract the learner to learn the subject knowledge actively. Computer games have many advantage to help learning, learner spend more time to solve the problems in game environment. Thus, games can improve motivation. Without a good guideline, games have many drawbacks to against learning. In designing game-based learning activities, therefore, we should prove a suitable instruction design to prevent the side-effect of the games. Self-regulated learning can acts as the scaffolding environment to design the games activities. The project develops the self-regulated game-based learning teaching modules based on the Amabile』screativity componential model. Teaching materials are designed in the on-line game. Scaffolding environment is implemented by self-regulated learning strategy to assist learning activities. The main goal of the project is to improve technological creativity and practical skills of learners.