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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
本研究旨在探討屏東縣國中學生對嚼檳榔的知識、態度及行為的情況。研究對象為八十九學年度第二學期屏東縣公私立國民中學學生,以比率機率抽機法抽出有效樣 本數1,022人,以團體自填問卷的方式收集資料。 研究結果發現12.8%的學生曾經嚼過檳榔,男生(19.1%)高於女生(6.2%)。年級方面,以二年級最多(16.9%),其次為三年級 (13.5%),一年級最少(8.2%)。受測學生在知識測驗的答對率約七成,大部份的學生傾向不贊成嚼檳榔。家人與同儕嚼檳榔的情形、家人與同儕對檳榔 的態度、及取得檳榔的容易程度,均是否嚼食檳榔的重要因素。 本研究建議檳榔防制教育應擴及家庭及社區;教育單位應制定一套完整的檳榔防制教育計畫,並在各級學校中進行實驗研究。
The purposes of this study were to explore the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of areca quid chewing as well as the related factors among the junior high school students in Pingtung County, Taiwan. The sample was selected by the proportionate probability sampling method. Ten schools were included, with the total number of valid questionnaires being 1,022. The data were collected via a group self-administration instrument in June, 2001. The main findings of the study were as follows: (1)Among the student respondents, 12.8% ever chewed areca quids; (2)The rate of correct answers for the knowledge test of areca quid was 69.5%; (3)Most students tended to disapprove areca quid chewing; (4)The important factors of areca quid chewing of family and friends, family’s and friend’s attitudes toward areca quid chewing, and the access to areca quids. It was suggest that the preventive programs should be extended to all families and communities and help students to refuse area quid chewing.
The purposes of this study were to explore the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of areca quid chewing as well as the related factors among the junior high school students in Pingtung County, Taiwan. The sample was selected by the proportionate probability sampling method. Ten schools were included, with the total number of valid questionnaires being 1,022. The data were collected via a group self-administration instrument in June, 2001. The main findings of the study were as follows: (1)Among the student respondents, 12.8% ever chewed areca quids; (2)The rate of correct answers for the knowledge test of areca quid was 69.5%; (3)Most students tended to disapprove areca quid chewing; (4)The important factors of areca quid chewing of family and friends, family’s and friend’s attitudes toward areca quid chewing, and the access to areca quids. It was suggest that the preventive programs should be extended to all families and communities and help students to refuse area quid chewing.