我國國民中學教師素質現況之調查研究 ──偏遠與一般地區之比較

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本研究旨在探討當前我國一般地區與偏遠地區國民中學教師素質之現況,分析不同個人背景變項及不同學校背景變項之教師在教師素質的差異情形,以供教育決策參考。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為全國國民中學之教師兼任行政、級任以及科任教師,抽取樣本人數為744人,有效問卷442份。研究調查所得之資料以SPSS17.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體程式進行描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計處理。 歸納本研究結果,獲致以下結論: 一、偏遠地區與一般地區國民中學教師之專業能力現況尚屬良好,其中「教學能力」、「管理能力」表現較好,「評鑑能力」表現較低。 二、偏遠地區與一般地區國民中學教師之專業態度現況頗為優良。 三、在偏遠地區國民中學,除少數層面,教師不因背景變項不同而在專業能力與專業態度上產生顯著差異。 四、在一般地區國民中學,教師專業能力因不同學歷、學校規模而有所差異;專業態度因性別、學校規模而有不一致的情形。 五、在教育部定義下的偏遠地區國中與一般地區國中,教師之專業能力與專業態度皆無差異。 六、在研考會定義下,位於偏遠地區之國民中學教師專業能力弱於一般地區國民中學,專業態度則無差異。 依據本研究所獲結論,針對學校、教育機關及未來研究者提出相關建議,以供參考。
The purpose of this study was to explore the quality of junior high school teach-ers in rural areas and non-rural areas. This study was conducted with a questionnaire survey. Participants in this study consist of junior high school teachers holding ad-ministrative posts, homeroom teachers and the subject teachers in Taiwan. Question-naires were given to 522 teachers and 422 of which were valid. The data was dealt with SPSS 17.0 for Windows and presented by descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA. The results of this study are as the fallowing: 1.The junior high school teachers of rural and non-rural areas had medium to high score on professional competence. Among all aspects of professional competence, “teaching competence” and “management competence” aspect is scored the high-est, but “evaluation competence” aspect is scored the lowest. 2.The junior high school teachers of rural and non-rural areas had high score on professional attitude. 3.There were no significant differences on teacher professional competence and professional attitude in rural areas schools. 4. There were significant differences on teacher professional competence based on diverse educational background and school size, and on professional attitude based on diverse gender and school size in non-rural areas schools. 5.There were no significant differences on teacher professional competence and professional attitude between rural and non-rural areas school under the definition of Ministry of Education. 6.The professional competence of rural areas school teachers is weaker than those who teach in non-rural areas under the definition of Research, Development and Evaluation Commission. The conclusions of the study are proposed as the reference for the faculties in ju-nior high schools, the administrative managers and the future researchers.



偏遠地區, 教師素質, 專業能力, 專業態度, rural area, teacher quality, professional competence, professional attitude





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