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本實驗對象為12 至14 歲國中學生,共111 位學生參與。為了解學生學習成效,在課程進行前、後,施行前測與後測試卷。再透過科技接受模式設計滿意度問卷,於課程結束後發放問卷,調查學生對於延伸式擴增實境應用於學習上,他們的學習滿意度與後續使用意願。此外,為了瞭解學生原先的資訊科技能力是否影響學習,以及對新科技的滿意度,透過測驗卷方式測驗學生本身的資訊科技能力。在過去研究顯示,科學能力與資訊科技能力上,有明顯的性別差異,普遍男性優於女性,故本研究亦加入性別變項,討論性別差異與學習之關係。
The construction of cognitive concepts is very important in the field of science learning. In the past, it was common to use simulation approaches to teach. Currently, Augmented Reality is a new technology that combines the real world with virtual objects which allows the users to interact between virtuality and reality. An Extend Augmented Reality system was developed and applied to the science and technology course in junior high schools. A one-group pre-test/post-test experimental design was implemented. While learning the unit of daily and seasonal change, speaking of the relationship of the earth revolving around the sun, students need to have imagination relating to the concept of space. In the learning process, students would learn better and become more interested with multiple and interactive enhancement. 111 students aged between 12 t0 14 years old participated in this experiment. To assess learning achievement during the course, these students had pre tests prior to it and post tests afterwards, respectively. After the course, a questionnaire of student satisfaction and continuous usage intention on this system was delivered, in which student satisfaction was measured by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Moreover, to understand whether previous information technology skills of these students had an effect on their learning as well as satisfaction with new technology, a test was conducted to examine their information technology skills. In the past, studies showed that there was a significant gender difference in science abilities and information technology skills. In general, males were better than females. Thus, in this study, the variable of gender was adopted; the relationship between gender difference and learning was discussed. The results showed that it was helpful to students to use this system. The results showed that with the use of the Extend Augmented Reality system, learning achievement was improved. Also, students who are of high learning satisfaction and continuous usage intention, they had higher learning achievement as well. Next, the relationship between information technology skills and learning was explored. It showed that students with higher information technology skills would have higher learning achievement, higher learning satisfaction, and higher continuous usage intention. Thus, it is possible that information technology skills might affect student learning. Moreover, from the perspective of gender difference, averagely speaking, information technology skills of males were better than those of females; however, there was no significant difference on learning achievement. Lastly, it was discovered that information technology enhanced courses are not for all of the students.
The construction of cognitive concepts is very important in the field of science learning. In the past, it was common to use simulation approaches to teach. Currently, Augmented Reality is a new technology that combines the real world with virtual objects which allows the users to interact between virtuality and reality. An Extend Augmented Reality system was developed and applied to the science and technology course in junior high schools. A one-group pre-test/post-test experimental design was implemented. While learning the unit of daily and seasonal change, speaking of the relationship of the earth revolving around the sun, students need to have imagination relating to the concept of space. In the learning process, students would learn better and become more interested with multiple and interactive enhancement. 111 students aged between 12 t0 14 years old participated in this experiment. To assess learning achievement during the course, these students had pre tests prior to it and post tests afterwards, respectively. After the course, a questionnaire of student satisfaction and continuous usage intention on this system was delivered, in which student satisfaction was measured by Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Moreover, to understand whether previous information technology skills of these students had an effect on their learning as well as satisfaction with new technology, a test was conducted to examine their information technology skills. In the past, studies showed that there was a significant gender difference in science abilities and information technology skills. In general, males were better than females. Thus, in this study, the variable of gender was adopted; the relationship between gender difference and learning was discussed. The results showed that it was helpful to students to use this system. The results showed that with the use of the Extend Augmented Reality system, learning achievement was improved. Also, students who are of high learning satisfaction and continuous usage intention, they had higher learning achievement as well. Next, the relationship between information technology skills and learning was explored. It showed that students with higher information technology skills would have higher learning achievement, higher learning satisfaction, and higher continuous usage intention. Thus, it is possible that information technology skills might affect student learning. Moreover, from the perspective of gender difference, averagely speaking, information technology skills of males were better than those of females; however, there was no significant difference on learning achievement. Lastly, it was discovered that information technology enhanced courses are not for all of the students.
互動式學習, 延伸式擴增實境, 資訊科技能力, 學習滿意度, 學習成效, interactive learning, Extend Augmented Reality, information skill, learning satisfaction, learning achievement