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遊戲式行動學習已廣泛地應用於許多研究領域中,但鮮有研究將其應用於客家文化的學習上。台灣的客家文化融入當代多元文化的台灣社會,客家文化是需要被推廣、保護的。在過去的10年裡,客委會已建立了幾個客家文化公園,來展示客家的傳統文化生活,並且提供民眾進行休閒活動的場域。 本研究主要目的為,探討如何應用引導教學策略進行遊戲式行動學習來提昇對客家文化之學習成效,於臺北市客家文化主題公園內特定學習區域,進行遊戲式行動學習。透過實驗性教學,分析二十名學習者在教學應用上的效果,加上問卷調查,考察學習者的遊戲滿意度和資訊接收滿意度。 本研究應用前導、合作學習及引導等教學策略,設計一款遊戲式行動學習,作為學習的基礎工具,讓學習者更好地學習到傳統客家文化。行動科技、遊戲設計以及引導教學策略,是本研究的重要主軸。為了提高學習者的學習興趣,在遊戲過程中,他們必須完成一系列的挑戰。遊戲於臺北市客家文化公園進行,配合所展示的各種客家文化工藝品與「任務闖關」的遊戲設計。 經研究結果顯示,使用引導式教學策略於遊戲式行動學習,學習客家文化,有助於提升學習者的學習成效。遊戲滿意度的整體平均分數屬於高滿意;資訊接收滿意度的整體平均分數屬於滿意;而不同個人變項對遊戲式行動學習之影響略有不同。有客家文化之學習者,前、後測進步幅度高於無客家文化之學習者,這表示在進行文化推廣教育之前,學習者若能擁有充足的先輩知識,則會使學習者達到更好的學習成效。
Mobile game-based learning has been widely used in many areas of research. But few studies have applied the concept in the learning of Hakka culture. The Hakka culture blends into contemporary multicultural society of Taiwan; thus needs to be promoted and protected. In the past 10 years, Hakka Affairs Council has established several Hakka Cultural Park, to display traditional Hakka culture and provide a field for leisure activities. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of guidance teaching strategies and mobile game-based learning to improve the effectiveness of the study of Hakka culture. The research will be conducted in Taipei City Hakka cultural Park. Through the experiments, analyze the effectiveness of 20 learners. Coupled with the questionnaire, investigate learners’ game satisfaction and information satisfaction that the game provided. The study uses guidance teaching strategies designed mobile game-based learning, as the foundation of learning tools, so that learners can learn traditional Hakka culture better. Mobile technology, game design and guidance teaching strategies are three important spindle of this study. In order to improve the learners' interest in learning, in the course of the game, they must complete a series of challenges. The game was held in the Taipei City Hakka Cultural Park, with the display of variety Hakka Culture, and tasks of game design. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach significantly improved the learners' academic achievements in guidance teaching strategies of mobile game-based learning to learn Hakka culture. Game satisfaction overall average scores showed high satisfaction. Information satisfaction overall average scores showed satisfaction. The mobile game-based learning has slightly different impact on different individuals. Those who had basic knowledge regarding Hakka culture prior to the test showed a more significant improvement after the test. The result implies that before carrying out cultural promotion of education, if the learner has sufficient knowledge of our ancestors, then it will help the learner to achieve better learning.



客家文化, 遊戲式行動學習, 引導式教學策略, 文化推廣, Hakka culture, mobile game-based learning, guidance teaching strategies, culture popularize





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