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近年來,數位遊戲式學習在教育方面的發展日益蓬勃,目前已有眾多文獻指出數位遊戲與教育結合有益於激發學習者的潛能,以提升教學成效。但國內對於色彩專業課程始終保守,至今在色彩教學上仍未有太大的突破及創新改變。事實上,色彩在人格特質、內在認知與心理發展上卻有著密切關係。舉例而言,兒童的內在認知往往反映在色彩呈現上,以國小高年級兒童來說,其等對色彩的反應主要為情緒化和較主觀判斷之發展階段,且配色與色彩運用練習這些經驗會隨著身心發展逐漸成熟。為幫助孩童對於美感的培養與認知發展,更應該重視國小兒童的色彩基礎教學,以培養孩童對美感的判定與相關色彩應用。因此,本研究針對國小高年級學童之色彩概念,結合數位裝置並融入教學策略,設計一款電腦遊戲結合後設認知策略的色彩教學遊戲,並以學習成就量表檢視學習成就及後續色彩學習保留情形。本研究採用實驗法,對象為新北市某一國民小學高年級五、六年級共50位學習者,在實施後設認知策略之電腦遊戲式色彩教學後,以學習成就後測驗卷檢測其學習成就,同時給予遊戲式色彩教學滿意度量表填寫,並於後測結束後兩週實施學習成就延後測驗及半結構式訪談,檢視學習者經兩個星期後的學習保留與學習感想。 研究結果顯示,國小高年級學習者在使用色彩教學遊戲後當下的學習成就不僅有顯著提升,且經過一段時間後的學習保留與當下的成就仍無顯著差異,同時也發現高、低學習成就組在色彩教學結束兩週後,依舊維持高、低保留的顯著差異。因此,本色彩教學遊戲對於色彩學習提升,以及後續學習記憶的長期保留皆為正向之影響,加上教學滿意度量表與半結構式訪談結果,可知學習者對於本色彩教學設計均持有一定的滿意程度和良好的學習體驗。
The use of digital game-based learning in various educational contexts has become much more popular these days. Many studies have pointed out that digital game-based learning could help learners’ reach greater potential. In Taiwan, nevertheless, the educational authority has hesitated to apply this innovative method to many subjects, which color learning is included. There is a strong relationship between color and personality traits and psychological development. Color could represent children' s internal recognitions. Take upper graders of elementary school as an example, their reactions toward color are emotional and subjective, and increasing understanding of color and practicing color matching could help them recognize colors correctly and link them to their emotions. In order to help develop children’s recognition of color, we should pay more attention to color education in elementary schools to cultivate children' s sense of beauty and relate colors to their daily life. Therefore, a technology-facilitated instructional plan is necessary for improving color education in elementary schools. This study intended to incorporate computer games with color teaching under metacognitive strategy to examine their learning outcome and retention. The subjects were 50 students of 5th and 6th graders from an elementary school in New Taipei City. A post-test and satisfaction scale were been given immediately after the experiment, then a delayed post-test and semi-structured interview were been held two weeks after the end of the post-test to examine the effect of metacognitive strategy on learners’ learning retention and experience. The results of the color instructional experiment showed not only enhanced the learning achievement, but also showed no evidently differences between their result in the moment and retention after the game. Furthermore, the learning achievement of high and low achievers also obviously maintained differences between the high and low retention. It indicated that the game-based color instructional has significant positive affections on color learning and subsequently long-term memory maintenance. Lastly, according to the results of satisfaction scale and semi-structured interview, it would be seen the students have a certain degree of satisfaction with this teaching design and great learning experiences.



後設認知策略, 數位遊戲式學習, 色彩教學, 學習保留, metacognitive strategy, digital game-based learning, color instruction, learning retention





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