

摘要 本論文以筆者翻譯《英語教學新論》(Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language)一書第三章〈統整式教學法〉(Unit Ⅲ Integrated Approaches)之經驗為基礎,旨在探討在翻譯過程中所採取的策略、所面臨之問題以及相應的解決之道。論文一共分為五章。第一章為緒論,說明譯書之緣起、研究動機與論文架構。第二章為原著介紹,簡介原作編者與原文各節作者與內容。第三章為翻譯過程與策略說明,該章詳敘翻譯過程,並以汲引彼得‧紐馬克(Peter Newmark)翻譯理論中「文本類別與文本類型」之分類法,分析原文。第四章為譯文評析,針對譯文缺罅,進行自評,並提出檢討與改進。第五章為結語,說明整個翻譯過程之心得,並作一總結。
Abstract Based on the translation of the third unit in the book, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, a great piece of work that has gained itself world fame, the thesis aims at presenting a thorough review on the translation work and a discussion on the translation strategy the translator took. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introductory part of the whole thesis, briefly stating the motive and the frame of the work. Chapter Two is an introduction to the original work and its authors, sufficing for the reader’s need to understand the background of the source text. The third chapter is to elaborate the process of the translation and the strategy applied. Peter Newmark’s perspective on the types of text is borrowed to analyze the source text. Chapter Four, the chapter of comment on the translation work, presents a self-critique and an analysis of the translation errors by the translator himself. Chapter Five, the conclusion chapter, not only details an afterthought but also concludes all the suggestions aforementioned in the thesis, with a hope to serve as a reminder for the translator in his future career.



統整式教學法, 彼得‧紐馬克, 文本類別與文本類型, Integrated Approaches, Peter Newmark, Text-categories and Text-types





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