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摘 要 本研究旨在探討以全面品質管理運用於高中學校的策略,研究重點在從個案實施品管圈經驗中尋求全面品質管理運用於學校組織之策略,及其推動在人員行為、組織運作與組織文化革新之影響因素,提供高中學校未來運用全面品質管理方法以提升業務品質之參考。 本研究以治平高級中學為研究對象,透過文件分析與人員訪談,研究品管圈方法運用於高中之策略及其影響因素,根據該個案的研究提出全面品質管理運用於高中學校策略的結論,茲分述如下: 第一,實施一項以顧客為導向激勵全員參與投入的領導哲學。強調主管的品質承諾及堅定支持,激發標竿學習的組織氣氛,帶動全員投入的熱誠。重視員工參與、訓練、工作滿足,健全使人力素質全面提升的人力資源體系管理,形成跨處室階層的活動。 第二,強調激勵領導與推動創新的全面品質管理,進行在員工態度、工作方法等層面的團隊合作。透過各種激勵的行政措施,與基層幹部的積極溝通,建立使品管活動成為員工經驗情感交流、學習創意思考的重要平台,營造持續改進品質的管理環境與組織文化。 第三,掌握全面品質管理全面性績效的經營方向,進行組織整體品質目標的規劃,設置診斷與評價議題的機制,藉各種會議進行概念加強,持續與成員互動,將運用於企業的量化特質轉化成適用於學校的質化活動,促進學校效能的整體提昇。 第四,推動PDCA(品質改善循環圈)的整體系統思考,融入組織成員的工作職場,建立提昇品質的整體系統思考的組織文化。組織應將品管活動的成果,其有效對策,納入組織體系中,進行標準化作業程序的持續執行,以建立持續改善的循環作業系統。 根據上述結論,茲提出幾點建議,提供給未來想要以品管圈推行全面品質管理的高中學校、及未來研究者參考。 一、以顧客為導向激勵全員參與及教育訓練,將品管圈發展成學習型組織,以達成人員持續學習與素質提升的品管基礎。 二、須要主管的品質承諾及對活動的堅定支持與參與,才能激發全員 投入品管活動的熱誠與標竿學習的組織動力。 三、鼓勵成員將各品管圈視為展現「團隊合作」,彼此扶持成長的平 台並推動創新思考,營造全體圈員共同提升品質的組織氣氛。 四、領導者掌握整體品質改善規劃,推動激勵部屬的績效制度,才能 開展全面性經營績效的校務方向。 五、鼓勵將PDCA(品質改善循環圈)的整體系統思考,融入在職場中。 建立督促改善對策的專責標準化單位,落實全面品質的組織管理。 六、透過概念加強的討論歷程,將品管圈的量化觀與教育現場重視 「人」的特質融合成適用於學校組織的活動。 七、組織採行合宜的激勵措施,使品管圈成為齊一校務經營理念的機 制;及經驗與情感交流的重要平台。 八、對未來研究方面,建議考慮:(一)擴大研究對象;(二)改善研究 工具;(三)精進研究方法;(四)拓展研究領域等,以使研究更加 周延。
Abstract This study discusses utilization of key strategy in the high school. The research is about using the Total Quality Management from the document implementation Quality Control Circles experience as a strategy in a school organization. The impetus in the personnel behavior and the organization as an influence factor on the cultural innovation will provide the high school with the Total Quality Management method to promote the service quality in the future. This research involves Taoyuan private Chih Ping Senior High School as the research object. Through document analysis and interviews, the research focuses on the strategy and influential factors when adopting the Quality Control Circles method in Chih Ping High School. According to the research results, the conclusions of using Total Quality Management are drawn. They are as follows: First, a kind of leadership philosophy is practiced to motivate the staff to focus on customers. The supervisor’s commitment on quality and persistence is emphasized to bring forth the atmosphere to learn from the model of the supervisor in the organization. The staff are expected to participate, receive training and feel satisfied. The result is an upgrade in human resources and richer interaction among different classes in the working environment. Second, encouragement and innovation are emphasized to manage work quality. Staff’s attitude, working methods are attained to in order to foster cooperation. Through all measures of encouragement and communication with personnel at a basic level, the quality management practice has become the foundation for sounder relationships and creativity acquisition. The culture for continuous quality improvement is thus established. Third, maintaining the direction of effective Total Quality Management, making plans on organizing the quality of every item, establishment of the system to evaluate issues, re-enforcing concepts through all kinds of meetings, continuing to interact with members, and transforming enterprise-based quantity improvement to school-based quality improvement are essential elements. All these steps are taken to facilitate more efficiency in the school system. Fourth, it should promote holistic thinking based on PDCA(quality improvement circulating ring), emerge in members’ workplace, and establish organization culture that improves quality by thinking holistically. The system combines the result of quality management into the organization so that the same practice can become a standard for continuous and circular operation system. According to the conclusion above, several suggestions are proposed to satisfy the future wants by the Quality Control Circles to carry out the Total Quality Management in high schools and by future researchers. First, one should take the customer as the guidance to drive the whole staff into participation and the education and training. Once the Quality Control Circles is developed into the study organization, it will help achieve the personnel who will continue to study and promote the quality of tube foundation. Second, it takes the supervisor’s commitment and persistent support and participation to movitate thewhole staff’s enthusiasm to learn from their models. Third, we would encourage the members to regard each Quality Control Circles as a display of " team cooperation" and a platform for mutual support where innovative thinking is promoted to establish the atmosphere for quality improvement by all group members. Fourth, the leader grasps the overall quality improvement plan, impels to drive the subordinate achievement system to develop the comprehensive management achievements that the school service directs at. Fifth, one might encourage PDCA (quality improvement circulating ring), the integrated system, to melt into the office field. The establishment supervision improvement countermeasure holds sole responsibility in the standardization unit, which carries out the comprehensive quality in organization management. Sixth, through discussion, concepts can be strengthened to help make the Quality Control Circles concept and human-based idea suitable for school activities. Seventh, the organization picks the good suitable drive measures to make Quality Control Circles the even school service management idea mechanism and a platform for experience and emotion exchange. Eighth, for future studies, it is suggested that several modifications be taken into consideration: (1) involve move research subjects; (2) improve research tool; (3) strive the research technique; (4) develop research area and so on; such changes may make the research more complete.



全面品質管理, 品管圈, 高級中學, 品質改善循環圈, Total Quality Management, Quality Control Circles, senior high school, quality improvement circulating ring





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