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摘 要 本研究目的在於探討台北市國中學生SARS信念、預防行為及其相關因素。以台北市九十二學年度國中學生,分高、中、低風險暴露三個學區,每區選取三間學校,採用班級為抽樣單位,於母群體中依暴露程度抽取。高風險暴露學區研究對象258人,中風險暴露學區研究對象365人,低風險暴露學區研究對象322人。以自編之問卷,經研究對象填寫後,得有效問卷852份,分析結果如下: 一、 研究對象是傾向經常採取SARS預防行為,尤其在SARS流行期間。同時對於蒐集SARS新知及生活上配合衛生單位宣導採取SARS預防措施的態度亦呈現正向。 二、 研究對象在對SARS相關知識瞭解的程度仍不甚瞭解。高風險暴露學區的研究對象SARS相關知識得分,明顯比中風險暴露學區及低風險暴露學區高。 三、 研究對象SARS資訊來源大都以電視為主要來源。 四、 研究對象對從事SARS預防行為所獲得的利益性有很大的信心,且有七成的人認為採取SARS預防措施是可以保持身體的健康。 五、 有八成五以上的研究對象認為,罹患SARS疾病對其生命威脅或是日常生活的影響是很嚴重的。高社經地位的人比低社經地位的人認為SARS影響更嚴重。 六、 健康信念(障礙性認知、有效性認知、嚴重性認知)、心理反應程度(過去、未來)、對SARS態度,可共同解釋SARS預防行為總變異量的24.7﹪。 七、 健康信念、心理反應程度、人格特質,可共同解釋SARS的態度總變異量的25.8﹪。 根據研究結果提出對國中學生有關傳染病防治之衛生教育介入,以及未來研究提出相關建議。
Abstract The purposes of this study were to understand SARS beliefs, preventive behavior, and related factors among the junior high students of Taipei City. According to the degrees of risky exposure toward SARS, the participants chosen by cluster sampling method were 852 junior high students who were asked to respond to a self-reported questionnaire. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The students usually took SARS preventive behavior, especially within the prevalent period of SARS. At the same time, the students showed the positive attitude for preventive behavior. 2.Some of the students did not understand SARS knowledge clearly. The SARS knowledge score of the students in high risky exposure toward SARS was significantly higher the score of the students in middle& low risky exposure. 3.The main sources of SARS information came from television. 4.Most students had confidence in SARS preventive behavior, and maintaining bodies healthy. 5.Most students thought that SARS could threat their lives and life-styles. 6.The explanation power (R2) of the SARS preventive behavior by perceived barriers, perceived benefits, perceived severity, mental response, and attitude toward SARS was 24.7%. 7. The explanation power (R2) of the SARS attitude by health beliefs, mental response, personality characteristics toward SARS was 25.8%.



SARS健康信念, 風險暴露程度, SARS態度, SARS預防行為, 國中學生, SARS health beliefs, Degree of risky exposure, SARS attitude, SARS preventive behavior, Junior high students





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