最近幾年,隨著智慧型手機和平板電腦的普及,行動應用程式(Mobile Application)服務對公司業務在市場上的推廣是日趨重要的。因此各家人力銀行競相推出行動裝置App來滿足求職與求才的需求,也藉此拓展其他廣告收益。行動裝置App對人力銀行未來發展是十分重要的,但目前針對行動裝置App找工作的相關研究較少,希望藉此研究探討經營者如何有效運用App來滿足使用者的需求。
In recent years with the popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs, mobile application is becoming increasingly important for business promotion. Many job search websites are launching mobile applications to meet the needs of job searching and recruiting and to increase related advertising revenue. There are few studies about job searching via mobile application now so this study is investigating and exploring how businesses can effectively use mobile application to meet the need of job searching and recruiting. This study is a multi-dimensional study of usability, satisfaction, and Usage Intention to use mobile application with "104 Job Search" as an example. It utilizes an online questionnaire on a nonrandom convenience sample of 104 job website members via a "104survey" platform and quantitative analysis to verify whether or not the mobile application can extend the service of website business. This study concludes that job searching websites shall pay attention to integrating the user interface with individual needs, real-time information updates and simplifying searching and monitoring availability and response time of the system. Also the study suggests that job searching websites shall work with mobile device vendors to provide the mobile application as part of built-in applications to increase the potential application usage. At the same time, the job searching websites shall use marketing campaigns to enhance brand image and loyalty and to increase the usage of their mobile applications.
In recent years with the popularity of smartphones and tablet PCs, mobile application is becoming increasingly important for business promotion. Many job search websites are launching mobile applications to meet the needs of job searching and recruiting and to increase related advertising revenue. There are few studies about job searching via mobile application now so this study is investigating and exploring how businesses can effectively use mobile application to meet the need of job searching and recruiting. This study is a multi-dimensional study of usability, satisfaction, and Usage Intention to use mobile application with "104 Job Search" as an example. It utilizes an online questionnaire on a nonrandom convenience sample of 104 job website members via a "104survey" platform and quantitative analysis to verify whether or not the mobile application can extend the service of website business. This study concludes that job searching websites shall pay attention to integrating the user interface with individual needs, real-time information updates and simplifying searching and monitoring availability and response time of the system. Also the study suggests that job searching websites shall work with mobile device vendors to provide the mobile application as part of built-in applications to increase the potential application usage. At the same time, the job searching websites shall use marketing campaigns to enhance brand image and loyalty and to increase the usage of their mobile applications.
行動裝置, 行動軟體應用程式, 使用者滿意度, 選用意願, 網路人力銀行, Mobile Phone, Mobile Application, User Satisfaction, Usage Intention, Online Job Bank