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臺灣技專校院因少子女化,面臨招生不足及財務困難,自2014年至2018年多所技專校院停辦,學生面臨轉學問題,教育部依《私立學校法》規定,專案安置學生至其他鄰近私立學校就讀,以保障學生受教權益。惟因著少子女化的衝擊,自2014年至2019年計有2千多名學生接受專案安置學生,人數趨增,學生就學權益的維護及學校生活適應情形,有其探究之必要。 本研究以探討安置學校提供安置學生服務品質及學校生活適應之情形,採用質性深度訪談與量化問卷調查作為蒐集資料的研究方法。深度訪談13位安置學生及量化問卷普查4所安置學校,回收有效問卷208份,經SPSS 22.0版進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、差異分析,積差相關及廻歸分析。 獲致結論:(1)安置學生對安置學校服務品質滿意感受屬正向偏高,以學業相關措施滿意度最佳,惟提升學生對學校聲譽信任、溝通管道及彈性評量仍有改善空間。(2)安置學生在學校生活適應情況堪稱正常,以學生與教師及同儕互動較佳,惟對學校認同的目標及情緒適應相對偏低,是經營管理者應關注的重點。(3)安置學生對安置學校服務品質滿意情形,不同性別、選擇安置學校原因或學業成績有不等強度差別存在。(4)安置學生學校生活適應情形,不同性別、選擇安置學校原因、學業成績或安置學校有不等強度差別存在。(5)安置學校提供愈優質的服務品質,對安置學生的學校生活適應愈好,又以安置學校提供個別化關懷及教職人員具備可信任專業素養有較高相關。(6)學校服務品質能預測安置學生學校生活適應,以安置學校能否提供個別化關懷及傳遞承諾的服務,最受安置學生重視。最後,依結論提出建議,供教育主管機關、學校及未來研究參考。
Taiwan technological colleges and universities are facing insufficient number of student recruits and financial difficulties due to the declining birth rate. Between 2014 and 2018, many technological colleges have become extinct. The students face the problem of transfer. The Ministry of Education, according to the ‘Private Schools Act’, has set up an exclusive project that placed the students to other nearby private colleges and universities to protect the education rights of the students. Due to the impact of declining birth rate, between 2014 and 2019, more than 2000 students have been placed in the exclusive project in which the number is increasing which renders necessary to explore the protection of the education rights for the students and their status of adaptation to the campus life. The study, on the quality of university services by technological colleges and universities and campus life adaptation for placed students, employed deep qualitative and quantified questionnaire as the research method of collecting information. The deep interviews of 13 placed students and quantified questionnaire on a schools of placement have acquired 208 valid questionnaires which have undergone SPSS 22.0 descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, differential analysis, product-moment correlation analysis and regression analysis. Conclusions derived:(1)the satisfaction feeling that is positive on the service quality of the placement schools by the placed students is leaning toward high, of which satisfaction rate for academic related measures is the best; however, the trust for the school’s reputation by the students, communication channels, and flexible grading still have room for improvement. (2) the status of adaptation to campus life by the placed students are fairly normal where the interaction between the students and the teachers and peers is better; however, the goal of recognition of the school and emotional adaptation are somewhat on the low side, which is a point to which that the operators must pay attention. (3) The status on the service quality of the placement schools by the placed students differs in terms of gender, the reason of choosing the placement schools, or academic achievement. (4) The status on the adaptation to the campus life by the placed students differs in terms of gender, the reason of choosing the placement schools, academic achievement, or the placement schools. (5) The better quality of provided service by the placement schools the better the placed students adapt to the campus life, which has a higher correlation to the placement school’s providing individualized care and professionalism of the faculty. (6) The school’s service quality may predict the adaptation to campus life by the placed students where whether the placement school can provide individualized care and deliver promised services are what the placed students value the most. Lastly, based on the conclusions, recommendations will be proposed and provided to education administrativeon authority, universities, and future studies for reference.



安置學生, 學校服務品質, 學校生活適應, Placed Students, Quality of University Services, Campus Life Adaptation





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