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本研究旨在針對我國教育政策形成過程進行理論分析與實證研究。政策形成 過程是指政策被實施之前的過程,包括問題(或主題)的產生或消失、議題的界 定、方案的構思與提倡、政策的決定等,本研究不關心政策的實施或是政策的評 鑑,也不是針對政策內容所進行的研究,扼要言之,主要研究目的如下: 1. 瞭解我國教育政策形成過程(例如議題設定、方案出現、政策採 行)與模式。 2. 探討影響我國教育政策形成過程的因素。 3. 根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以改善我國教育政策品質。 國內有關教育政策研究逐漸累積中,但是針對教育政策形成過程進行研究的 並不多,大多是針對政策內容進行分析,或是就政策結果進行評鑑。教育政策形 成過程的研究十分重要,除了學術研究的理由外,更重要的是教育政策形成過程 攸關教育政策的品質,也影響一般大眾及教育實務人員對教育政策的接受程度。 研究教育政策形成過程將有助於反省與改善此一過程,進而提昇教育政策的品質 與成效。 本研究為三年的研究計畫,第一年研究計畫已獲核准,於2002 年8 月開始 執行,在研究時間範圍上則由199 年至2005 年(以2002 年8 月為基準點,回溯 三年,進行三年),這個時間段落選擇的考量,除了因為政策發展與形成研究原 本就需要較長的時間觀察與追蹤之外(但因為研究經費因素考量,也不能過長), 也顧慮到文獻分析所顯示可能重大因素的影響(選舉、社會潮流、人事更動等)需 要較長的時間才能觀察的到。本研究所擬探討的教育政策領域原則上以高教司、 技職司與中教司三個單位為範圍。選擇三個司進行研究最主要的理由之一,是為 了使研究結果對教育政策形成過程的推論性更強,另一方面也可以掌握司的變項 影響。研究方法則包括了個案研究、文獻分析、訪談、調查及觀察等方法。 總結而言,本研究不單是在研究主題上相當重要,對於瞭解教育政策形成過 程的理論與實務有幫助,在研究設計上,也克服了過去研究只採文獻探討,或是 相關實證研究多以回溯方式進行可能帶來的限制,在搜集資料的方法上,也儘量 採多角檢證,本研究之進行,不論是對教育政策形成過程的理論建構或實況瞭解 與改進,都會有重要的貢獻。 本次研計究計畫申請除了繳交修改過之研究計畫外,並附期中報告一份(含 附件一),目前已鎖定九個政策個案,並將持續注意各司政策的變化增加個案。 目前的初步研究發現是政策其實並不常變,也不新,只是為成為熱門的政策議 題。一般認為人去政息的情況也不儘然是對的。最後,部份政策受到政治與社會 因素影響的痕跡相當明顯。
This research studies the policy formation process in education through theoretical and empirical investigations. The researcher is interested in knowing how educational issues or problems are perceived and defined, how particular issues become or fail to become governmental agendas, what alternatives are proposed, and how educational policies are formed? The purposes of this research are listed as follows: 1. Understand the policy formation process in education (such as agenda setting, alternative formation, and policy making) and its explanatory model. 2. Investigate the factors that affect the policy formation process in education. 3. Provide suggestions for improving the policy formation process in education based on research findings. Several studies have focused on educational policy in Taiwan. However, most of them emphasized the contents or outcomes of educational policies rather than their formation process. Understanding the process of policy formation and its influencing factors is important for several reasons. In addition to the theoretical interest, quality of educational policy is related to its formation process. Popular support for educational policy often depends on its perceived quality. Studying the policy formation process in education will help us reflect on and improve that formation process. Consequently, it can improve the quality of educational policy. This research will last for three years. However, the time span of this research covers from 1999 to 2005(three-year retrospect study and three-year on-going study). I decided to choose this time span because policy formation takes time. To be able to investigate that process in a more complete way and allow important influencing factors to show up, long-term, longitudinal study is necessary. I choose the Department of Higher Education, the Department of Technical and Vocational Education, and the Department of Secondary Education in the Ministry of Education as my focuses of study. This is because data from three departments will allow me to make better explanations and generalization. Variations among departments can be taken into account in this way. Case study will be conducted to collect data through document analysis, interviews, surveys, and observations. This research is important because of the issue it intends to investigate and the method it employs. We need better understanding of the theory and practices of policy formation process in education. This would allow us to improve the quality of educational policy in Taiwan. In terms of research design, this research conducts long –term, retrospect and on going policy studies at the same time to compensate the problems faced by many retrospect studies on this topic. Multiples methods will be used to validate the quality of the data collected. Research started six months ago. I submitted the revised proposal along with mi-term report (including appendix). Nine cases from three departments have been targeted. Relevant documentary data has been collected and presented in Appendix 1 of the mid-term report. Current data shows that policies did not change as frequent as we thought. As a matter of fact, some of them enjoy longevity. The change of Minister of Education and other key political leaders did not necessarily lead to policy change. In some cases, political and social conditions do affect policy formation.







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