企業聲望、組織文化對實習生留任意願之影響 ─ 以工作滿意為中介變項

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近年來臺灣觀光產業發展迅速,根據觀光局統計,來臺旅客中以「觀光」目的者佔市場多數。為了因應大量的服務人力需求,觀光旅館業積極地與餐旅相關大專技職院校進行實習合作。然而大多數的實習生完成實習學程後,留任意願非常低,留任率不到一成。 因此,各企業開始進行企業形象的塑造,除了提高企業聲譽以期吸引人才外,也加深員工的忠誠度提高留任意願。是故,對於實習生來說,首先考量的是企業聲望是否會影響他們對於實習場合的選取,隨之而後地,便是觀察這樣的企業形象是否會對個體之工作滿足產生影響,進而造成最後留任與否的決定。除此之外,在學生實習的過程中長期接受到組織文化的影響,可能會影響了學生原有的知覺價值,進而改變了對個人、組織的承諾及知覺價值。 本研究旨在探討師企業聲望、組織文化與留任意願之間的關聯性,並以工作滿意為中介變項,運用迴歸來分析工作滿意在企業聲望、組織文化與留任意願之間的中介效果。而本研究之對象為國內觀光旅館實習之實習生,採用抽樣方式郵寄及委託人力發送問卷來蒐集實證資料,總共回收了312個有效樣本。 研究結果發現:(1)企業聲望對工作滿意有正向影響,(2)組織文化對工作滿意有正向影響,(3)工作滿意對留任意願有正向影響,(4)企業聲望對留任意願有正向影響,(5)組織文化對留任意願有正向影響,(6) 工作滿意對企業聲望影響留任意願具有部分中介效果,(7)工作滿意對組織文化影響留任意願具有部分中介效果。而本研究的結果,期望能夠給觀光飯店業的經營者作為未來在人才管理上的參考依據,協助人力資源部門改變管理模式,進行人力資源的行銷策略,達到有效的選、訓、育、用、留。
In recent years, the tourism industry is expanded rapidly in Taiwan. According the analysis from the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, the most purpose of the visitors is the “tourism”. In order to meet the service needs, the hotels have cooperated with the related colleges actively for the apprentice program. But, most of the students completed the internship who didn’t stay in the hospitality industry. The rate of the intention to stay is less than ten percent. Confronting with the impact of the manpower’s shortage, the hotels start to setting up the cooperate image; it’s not only to attract the external talent also to reinforce the internal loyalty and intention to stay. When the students choose the firms, the cooperator reputation would be their priority. If the cooperator reputation influence the students’ intention to stay would depend on the job satisfaction during the internship period. In addition to those, the students also are influence by the organization culture to change their intention to stay for the firms. This study aims to examine the correlation among cooperator reputation, organization culture, job satisfaction and intention to stay. Job satisfaction is served as the mediation variable. Hierarchical regression is used to analyze the mediation effect coming from job satisfaction in cooperator reputation, organization culture and intention to stay. The object of this study is the intern who is doing their internship in the hospitality industry. The empirical data are collected by mail. The total of the valid samples are 312. The results showed: (1)Cooperator reputation have a positive impact on job satisfaction. (2)Organization culture has a positive impact on job satisfaction. (3)Job satisfaction has a positive impact on intention to stay. (4) Cooperator reputation has a positive impact on intention to stay. (5) Organization culture has a positive impact on intention to stay. (6) The mediation of job satisfaction in cooperator reputation effecting on intention to stay is only partial. (7)The mediation of job satisfaction in organization culture effecting on intention to stay is only partial. We hope that the results can be applied as a useful reference for formulating organizational strategies in hospitality industry



企業聲望, 實習生, 組織文化, 工作滿意, 留任意願, cooperator reputation, intern, organization culture, job satisfaction, intention to stay





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