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本研究旨在瞭解新北市板橋區、土城區女性國中教師工作壓力、家庭壓力與憂鬱傾向現況,並探討三者的相關情形,以及個人背景變項與壓力對憂鬱傾向的預測力。 依據各區比率隨機抽出板橋區6所和土城區2所學校,再從這8所學校女性教師隨機抽出390位,採自填式問卷收集資料,得有效問卷314份,有效回收率80.5%。所得資料進行t檢定、ANOVA、Pearson積差相關及複迴歸分析,主要發現: 一、研究對象的工作壓力介於「稍微壓力」與「中度壓力」間,其中又以學生行為層面的壓力較大。導師的專業知能壓力高於代理代課教師;導師及專任教師的學生行為壓力高於兼行政的教師;授課節數越多,學生行為壓力越大。 二、研究對象的家庭壓力介於「沒有壓力」與「稍微壓力」間,且以家務負擔的壓力較大。已婚、有子女、年齡越大、服務年資越長者,家庭壓力越大;而代理代課教師的家庭壓力比導師、專任教師、兼任行政者小。 三、約七成五的研究對象無憂鬱傾向,但輕度(9.0%)、中度(6.0%)和重度憂鬱者 (8.6%)都超過5%,而憂鬱傾向不因個人背景變項之不同而有不同。 四、研究對象之工作壓力、家庭壓力與憂鬱傾向兩兩呈正相關,即工作壓力越大,家庭壓力越大,而憂鬱傾向也越大。 五、個人背景變項、工作壓力及家庭壓力可預測憂鬱傾向,解釋變異量為29.4%。另外,個人背景變項、工作壓力五層面和家庭壓力四層面亦可預測憂鬱傾向,解釋變異量為31.8%,其中人際互動壓力、家人相處壓力、家務負擔和專任教師是重要變項。 根據研究發現建議,女性國中教師應重視憂鬱課題,適時舒緩個人憂鬱情緒。學校和教育主管單位可多舉辦教師憂鬱處理相關研習,並成立輔導小組協助教師有效面對壓力和相關問題。
The purpouses of this syudy were to investigate the job stress, family stress and depressive tendency of female junior high school teachers in Banqiao District and Tucheng District in New Taipei City, and to examine the relationships among these three variables. Self-report questionnaire were distributed to 390 randomly selected female teachers from 6 and 2 schools in Banqiao District and Tucheng District, respectively.Data of three hundred and fourteen, with 80.5% valid rate, were analyzed by t-Test, ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analyses. The main results were listed as follow: 1. The job stress of research samples ranged from “low stress” to “moderate stress”, and student’s behavior was the highest. The professional competency stress of homeroom teacher was higher than that of substitute teacher. The student’s behavioral stress of homeroom teacher and subject teacher was higher than that of teacher with executive missions; the more the teaching hours per week, the higher the student,s behavior stress. 2. The family stress of research samples ranged from “no stress” to “low stress”, and the stress of homework burdenwas the highest. The teachers with marriage, having children, elder, with longer service years had more family stress. The family stress of substitute teacher was less than the one of homeroom teacher, subject teacher and teacher with executive missions. 3. About 75% of research samples were no depressive tendency, but the rate of teachers with either mild (9.0%), moderate (6.0%), or severe depressive tendency (8.6%) weas more than 5%. The depressive tendency was not related to personal background variables. 4. The job stress, family stress and depressive tendency of research sampleswere positively related to one another, that is, the higher the job stress, the higher the family stress, and the higher the depressive tendency. 5. Personal background variables, job stress, and family stress predicted depressive tendency with 29.4% corresponding variance of explanation. In addition, personal background variables, five aspects of job stress, and four aspects of family stress predicted depressive tendency with 31.8% corresponding variance of explanation. The stress of peer relationship, familial relationship, homework burden and subject teacher were important variables of depressive tendency. Based on the results, we would suggest female teachers in junior high schools should pay attention to their own depressive tendency. Schools and education authorities would conduct workshops, and set up a counseling group to help teachers relieve job and family stress.



女姓國中教師, 工作壓力, 家庭壓力, 憂鬱傾向, female junior high school teacher, job stress, family stress, depressive tendency





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