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台灣的咖啡市場規模持續每年成長當中,國人喝咖啡的習慣與觀念也正在逐漸改變;咖啡飲品由早期高級飲料的概念漸趨平民化、生活化與流行化成為生活中的一項基本需求品,而咖啡館的形象與經營模式也有了多元而不同的發展面向。有主打品質與舒適的連鎖咖啡館;也有主打低價而便利的便利商店咖啡;甚至於近年開始興盛的個人化經營咖啡館等。台灣的咖啡市場競爭逐漸白熱化,在財團雄厚資金與多元豐富的通路下,個人化經營咖啡館該如何走出自己的市場? 本研究以個人經營咖啡館「14號咖啡館」實際案例為例,探討其品牌策略方向並為其規劃視覺設計。研究的過程與結果希望可以為其他個人經營商店創立品牌時參考。 在此提出三點建議與結論: (一) 在規劃經營模式前應對該區域進行調查與分析,越詳細的分析越有助於經營模式的規劃。 (二) 尋找消費族群,擬定行銷策略。 (三) 探究消費族群所屬符號,設計品牌視覺識別。
Taiwan's coffee market continued to grow each year, along changing Taiwanes' coffee taking habits and values.Coffee have left their early concept of upper-class beverages behind, and gradually becoming one of the basic needs of civilian lives, thus providing mutiple and diverse levels of images and business models for the coffee shops to work with. There are large chain coffee shops which focus on the quality and comfortness of the store; also cheap and convenient coffee in main convenience stores; even personal management coffee houses have begun to flourish in recent years. Taiwan's coffee market competition has intensified, in the age of consortium with their diverse and solid investment channels, how can personal management coffee shops break through and develope their own market? This study features a personal management coffee store called "Cafe 14" as our case study, in the direction of its brand strategy and visual design, wishing to provide a close examination of the personal management branding process for future references. To put forward three proposals and conclusions: (1) There should be a depth investigation and analysis of the region prior to planning the business model, the more detailed analysis the more it will benefit the business model planning. (2) Find and define consumer groups, develop marketing strategies. (3) Explore consumer groups' symbols, design visual identity brand.



品牌視覺, 咖啡產業, 行銷, Coffee industry, brand vision(visuality), marketing





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