Exploring knowledge sharing discussion behavioral patterns in e-learning communities: A comparison of peer-assessmentand problem-solving strategy
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Hou, H. T.
Chang, K. E.
Sung, Y. T.
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In a Web 2.0 e-learning context, the knowledge of teachers and learners is often shared via online discussion environments. In-depth exploring the online discussion behavioural patterns for teacher/learner communities with different interactive learning strategies via empirical observations and comparisons may provides important further references for community managers or system developers. In this paper, we summarise a series of our findings of three-empirical studies in Taiwan, and make in-depth comparison and discussions of the online discussion behavioural patterns of two-interactive strategies: peer-assessment and problem solving, then discuss the features and limitations of the strategies. The comparison and discussions may provide some important references for community management and system development in e-learning environments. In turn, we also propose suggestions regarding guiders' intervention, strategy design and intelligent agent development.